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Goats Released in New York City Park to Eat Invasive Weeds 紐約市公園放出山羊來吃掉入侵雜草
2022/07/03 22:28:19瀏覽79|回應0|推薦0

Goats Released in New York City Park to Eat Invasive Weeds




More than a dozen goats journeyed to Riverside Park in New York City on Wednesday to feast on weeds, a chemical-free way to remove invasive species while adding to the joys of nature.


The furry visitors arrived in Manhattan from Green Goats farm in Rhinebeck, New York, earlier in the day to gobble up overgrown brush - even species dangerous to humans, like poison ivy.


"Have you seen this slope over here? I am told it is the steepest river bank east of the Palisades," said John Herrold, interim president and chief executive of the Riverside Park Conservancy.


Goats are an ingenious approach to weed removal, harnessing their natural hunger for leafy greens as the primary mechanism behind the task, which traditionally involves pollutant chemicals.


Of the 20 goats, four will call Riverside Park home through the end of summer, eating their way through two acres of the park.



ingenious:形容詞,巧妙的、獨創的、有發明才能的。例句:She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.(她在設法更快完成工作上很有創意。)

gobble sth up:指狼吞虎嚥、大口吞食。例句:Inflation has gobbled up our wage increases.(通貨膨脹已經吃掉我們的加薪。)

eat one’s way through:指吃個不停。例句:Don’t eat your way through the day.(別整天吃個不停。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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