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Treating wounds with insects: the strange habits of Gabon chimps用昆蟲治療傷口:加彭黑猩猩的奇怪
2022/02/22 21:30:41瀏覽309|回應0|推薦0

Treating wounds with insects: the strange habits of Gabon chimps




How to treat a wound? For humans, the first instinct would be to disinfect it and then cover it with a bandage. But chimpanzees have invented a more creative method: catching insects and applying them directly to the open wound.


Scientists observed this behavior in chimpanzees in the West African nation of Gabon, noticing that the apes not only use insects to treat their own wounds, but also those of their peers.


The project began in 2019, when an adult female chimpanzee named Suzee was observed inspecting a wound on the foot of her adolescent son. Suzee then suddenly caught an insect out of the air, put it in her mouth, apparently squeezed it, and then applied it to her son’s wound.



disinfect:動詞,為除菌,替消毒。例句: Clean and disinfect your contact lens properly.(正確清潔及消毒隱形眼鏡。)

adolescent:形容詞,青春期的。例句:The adolescent period is one’s best time.(青少年時期是一個人最美好的時光。)


( 時事評論國際 )
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