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Apple, Google raise new concerns by yanking Russian app 蘋果、Google突然將俄羅斯應用程式下架再次挑
2021/10/30 21:32:03瀏覽192|回應0|推薦1

Apple, Google raise new concerns by yanking Russian app




Big Tech companies that operate around the globe have long promised to obey local laws and to protect civil rights while doing business.


But when Apple and Google capitulated to Russian demands and removed a political-opposition app from their local app stores, it raised worries that two of the world’s most successful companies are more comfortable bowing to undemocratic edicts _ and maintaining a steady flow of profits _ than upholding the rights of their users.


The ban galled supporters of free elections and free expression. ``This is bad news for democracy and dissent all over the world,`` said Natalia Krapiva, tech legal counsel for Access Now, an internet freedom group. (AP)

這項禁令激怒了選舉和言論自由的支持者。「這是對全世界民主和異議的壞消息」,網路自由倡議團體Access Now科技法務顧問克拉苾瓦說。(美聯社)


yank:動詞,突然猛拉,突然撤除或離開(某群體或情況,通常在違反其意願下)。例句:He yanked open the door.(他猛力打開這道門。)

capitulate:動詞,屈服,讓步。例句:The government capitulated to the demands of the protesters.(政府讓步接受抗議者的要求。)

gall:動詞,激怒。例句:It galled him to take orders from a junior staff. (要他聽命於基層員工激怒了他。)


( 時事評論國際 )
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