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Australian ute whizzes across seven lanes of traffic unscathed澳洲休旅車呼嘯穿越七車道而毫髮無傷
2021/10/17 17:05:36瀏覽148|回應0|推薦0

Australian ute whizzes across seven lanes of traffic unscathed




Australian police captured dramatic footage of a white truck speeding unscathed across seven lanes of traffic in a once-in-a-lifetime incident.


Though a mere five seconds, the riveting video shows a Toyota Hilux truck in Australia’s Northern Territories drive over a sandy median, narrowly avoid a collision with another car in three lanes of moving vehicles, thread through two lanes of stationary cars, bounce across two empty lanes and then hurtle toward a line of storefronts.


The driver of the utility vehicle, or ute as the vehicle is commonly known in Australia, was heading towards the city of Darwin when she allegedly lost control, failed to negotiate a turn, and crashed into a business, according to the police in a post on social media.


"It is incredibly lucky no one else was injured in this incident," said Superintendent Daniel Shean of the Northern Territory Police, reminding people to always drive with due care and attention.



median:名詞,指median strip,公路中間的安全島。

due care:指應有的注意、適當的注意。例句:He handled it with due care.(他很謹慎地處裡了這問題。)

negotiate :動詞,談判、商議、越過。The old car could negotiate the hill.(這輛老車可以越過那座小山丘。)

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