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2009/03/22 01:57:17瀏覽1050|回應4|推薦26 | |
Hello after a very long time..i am so so so sorry for witting to
you that late.... but you know i loooooooooooooove you so much and you are always in my mind but i was a little busy which kept me away from writting you. so sorry again sweeety how are
you! how is school! i always get your good news from your dad. your dad is a very good man and very smart business man. so you will work with us in the future after you finish university.ok! i am sure you will be a good business woman. i am planning
to visit Taiwan during summer time and definetly this time we will spend a very good time together and of course you will show me around. ok! so please start from now to practice english because we will have so many talks. please take care of yourself and be good at school and always remember you are my beautifull little angel whom i love so much. bye bye and look after your father for me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這是第一封他回給我的信..... 他是爸爸生意上的夥伴,兩人情同兄弟,雖然分隔兩地,不過一封封的簡訊 搭起國際橋樑,永不間斷的友誼 忘了介紹,他叫海珊<對,跟被處死的那個一樣名字> 他知道我最愛吃 chocolate,每次來Taiwan或是爸爸從他那裡回來,都會記得買禮 物給我,他說,我就像他女兒一樣,每次都會在回應爸爸的信中問我的近況, 很高興的是,他最近終於結婚了,而且新婚老婆肚子裡,也有了新的小生命 其實我很久沒有寫信給他了,最近趁考完試,想寫封信給他,問問近況 就順便簡短介紹他一下囉! To my surprise,他要來我的畢業音樂會耶 他住杜拜,我住台灣,隔著廣闊的大陸,但這遙遠,似乎不構成任何距離 很期待每次他的到來,說不定下次我就能親自到杜拜去拜訪他呢! 下面這首歌是他們彼此最愛的歌 而且要 林凡 唱的<他們喜歡林凡的英文歌> 我找好久喔~~ 附上歌詞吧 So many nights I sit by my window 多少個夜晚,我獨坐窗前 Waiting for someone to sing me his song 等待有人為我唱情歌 So many dreams 多少個夢裡 I kept deep inside me, alone in the dark 我獨自在深沈的黑暗中 But now you've come along 如今,你來到我身邊 You light up my life 你照亮我的生命 You give me hope to carry on 帶給我活下去的希望 You light up my days and fill my nights with song 你照亮我的日子,用歌填滿我的夜晚 Rolling at sea, adrift on the water 在海中翻滾,在水裡漂浮 Could it be finally, I'm turning for home 這一切是否已結束,我正掉頭返航 Finally, a chance to say "hey, I love you" 終於有機會說:「嗨!我愛你!」 Never again to be all alone 再也不會孤單一人 It can't be wrong 不會再錯了 When it feels so right 當一切如此美好 Cause you light up my life 因為,你照亮了我的生命 他們彼此互相等待,人與人在街坊鄰居中,就這麼近的距離,都不一定會遇到每個人 甚至去認識他們,爸爸和海珊竞然是在網路認識的,兩個人都只有在網路上通信 直到海珊決定要來台灣一趟,爸爸和我都很興奮,海珊的到來,讓爸爸能藉由海珊 而知道外面更為人不知的世界,開拓視野,吸收國際新知,是海珊開啟了爸爸與世 界貿易更緊密的連結,這個成功與外國人合作的例子,讓爸爸更有信心與更多國際 廠商合作,我不知道海珊為何這麼喜歡爸爸,他們好到都可以睡在一起,那友情之深 可想而知,彼此像互相的燈,照亮兩人的生命 其實,我不知道他們為什麼會喜歡這首歌?這首明明就是情歌~~ 說不定就像我上面闡述的一樣吧!朋友之間的友誼,這段忘年之交 |
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