Spring Roo 可支援的Persistence,Database與Web組合:
* web flow - Install Spring Web Flow configuration artifacts into your project
* web gwt all - Locates all entities in the project and creates GWT requests, proxies and creates the scaffold
* web gwt gae update - Updates the GWT project to support GAE
* web gwt proxy all - Locates all entities in the project and creates GWT proxies
* web gwt proxy request all - Locates all entities in the project and creates GWT requests and proxies
* web gwt proxy request type - Creates a proxy and request based on the specified type
* web gwt proxy type - Creates a GWT proxy based on the specified type
* web gwt request all - Locates all entities in the project and creates GWT requests
* web gwt request type - Creates a GWT proxy based on the specified type
* web gwt scaffold - Creates a GWT request, proxy and scaffold for the specified
* web gwt setup - Install Google Web Toolkit (GWT) into your project
* web jsf all - Create JSF managed beans for all entities
* web jsf media - Add a cross-browser generic player to embed multimedia content
* web jsf scaffold - Create JSF managed bean for an entity
* web jsf setup - Set up JSF environment
* web mvc all - Scaffold Spring MVC controllers for all project entities without
an existing controller
* web mvc controller - Create a new manual Controller (ie where you write the methods)
* web mvc embed document - Embed a document for your WEB MVC application
* web mvc embed generic - Embed media by URL into your WEB MVC application
* web mvc embed map - Embed a map for your WEB MVC application
* web mvc embed photos - Embed a photo gallery for your WEB MVC application
* web mvc embed stream video - Embed a video stream into your WEB MVC application
* web mvc embed twitter - Embed twitter messages into your WEB MVC application
* web mvc embed video - Embed a video for your WEB MVC application
* web mvc embed wave - Embed Google wave integration for your WEB MVC application
* web mvc finder add - Adds @RooWebFinder annotation to MVC controller type
* web mvc finder all - Adds @RooWebFinder annotation to existing MVC controllers
* web mvc install language - Install new internationalization bundle for MVC sca
ffolded UI.
* web mvc install view - Create a new static view.
* web mvc json add - Adds @RooJson annotation to target type
* web mvc json all - Adds or creates MVC controllers annotated with @RooWebJson annotation
* web mvc json setup - Set up Spring MVC to support JSON
* web mvc language - Install new internationalization bundle for MVC scaffolded UI.
* web mvc scaffold - Create a new scaffold Controller (ie where Roo maintains CRUD functionality automatically)
* web mvc setup - Setup a basic project structure for a Spring MVC / JSP application
* web mvc update tags - Replace an existing application tagx library with the latest version (use --backup option to backup your application first)
* web mvc view - Create a new static view.