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[ ipse ] 純粹水晶 Softner 140 毫升
2017/07/28 09:19:39瀏覽85|回應0|推薦0

[ ipse ] 純粹水晶 Softner 140 毫升

[ ipse ] 純粹水晶 Softner 140 毫升, Korean, 化妝品 , ipse, 8809065923369, 1 個。 產品類型 : Softner, 2 個。 體積 : 140 ml, 3 的標準。 效果 : Brightning, 4 個。 國 Manufactre : 韓國, , koreanmall

純粹水晶 Softner

  • 1 個。 產品類型 : Softner
  • 2 個。 體積 : 140 ml
  • 3 的標準。 效果 : Brightning
  • 4 個。 國 Manufactre : 韓國



    IPSE Whitening Moisturizing Toner" is rich in pure water crystal, using nano-bag technology, the molecular decomposition of the crystal and

    quickly penetrate the bottom of muscle, with willow, chamomile extraction and 3000 meters above sea level in the Swiss Alps four nectar

    ingredients - Aloe vera, chamomile root, absinthe, flavonoids, chamomile ring and various vitamins, effectively maintain the skin water and

    oil balance, soften the skin, provide more lasting moisturizing effect for the skin, nourish and deepen the skin.


    [How to use]

    Morning and evening after cleansing, take appropriate amount of toner on the cotton evenly coated on the full, gently massage until

    completely absorbed.








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    [ ipse ] 純粹水晶 Softner 140 毫升

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