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ZI WEI DOU SHU (one of Chinese Astrologies) 紫微斗數主星副星的英文翻譯
2015/08/16 15:55:16瀏覽7381|回應0|推薦0




Zi WEi Dou Shu is a branch of Chinese Astrology. It utilizes the Chinese Lunar Calendar. A Zi Wei Dou Shu chart is divided into 12 palaces representing the 12 chinese earthly animals. Each palace corresponds to a particular aspect or part of our life. Each of these palaces are governed by major and minor stars. These stars have their own characteristics that affect the palace they are in.There are about 115 stars which govern the characteristics of the various palaces.The stars are not the actual celestial bodies in the Universe. They are merely mathematical symbols bearing different properties.




A palace is affected and influenced by the adjacent palaces, the opposite palace and the related harmony palaces. When there are no major stars in a palace which is under study, the major stars in the opposite palace is then examined as if the stars there are actually in the palace being analyzed. This is because the opposite palace is like a mirror image of the palace being analyzed. These two palaces have the strongest influence on each other.

The palaces rotate around the chart. A person has a 10 year luck chart and an annual luck chart. A person’s first 10 year luck chart is the same as the original natal chart. The second 10 year luck chart has the Life Palace either occupying the Parents Palace or Siblings Palace depending upon whether being a male of a female. The other palaces move one place following the Life Palace. This rotation in the chart causes our luck to change.




The 14 Major Stars are (14主星):

  Mercy Star (Tian Ji) 天機
  Sun (Tai Yang) 太陽
  Finance Star (Wu Qu) 武曲
  Lucky Star (Tian Tong)天同
  Treasury Star (Tian Fu) 天府
  Moon (Tai Yin)太陰
  Flirting Star (Tan Lang) 貪狼
  Gloomy Star (Ju Men) 巨門
  Blessing Star (Tian Liang) 天梁
  Power Star (Qi Sha) 七殺
  Ruinous Star (Po Jun)破軍
  Wicked Star (Lian Zhen)廉貞
  Minister Star (Tian Xiang)天相
  Emperor Star (Zi Wei)紫微
  The Lucky Secondary Stars are (吉星):
  Angel 1 (Tian Kui)天魁
  Angel 2 (Tian Yue)天鉞
  Deputy 1 (Zuo Fu)左輔
  Deputy 2 (You Bi)右弼
  Intellect Star (Wen chang)文昌
  Intelligence Star (Wen Qu)文曲
  The Harmful Secondary Stars are (凶星):
  Worrisome Star (Tuo Luo)陀羅
  Troublesome Star (Qing Yang)擎羊
  Fiery Star (Huo Xing)火星
  Siren Star (Ling Xing)鈴星
  Misfortune Star (Di Kong)地空
  Calamity Star (Di Jie)地劫
  The Auxiliary Stars are(輔星):

  Abundance Star (Lu Cun)祿存
  Pegasus (Tian Ma)天馬
  Stern Star (tian Xing)天刑
  Romance Star (Tian Yao)天姚
  Wedding Star (Hong Luan)紅鸞
  Birth Star (Tian Xi)天喜。

  紫微星︰紫微星代表人物是周文王的長子伯邑考,掌『尊貴』為『帝座』育萬物 ,形貌濃重,腰背肥滿,為人忠濃老實,謙恭耿直,又有自負傾向,耳根軟易受影響 ,善變、多疑、心地狹小,易感情用事,主權威顯貴略帶倨傲之氣。
   天機星︰天機星代表人物是姜子牙,為智能之神司掌『智能』、『精神』主思想 ,化氣為善,化忌為惡,臉細長身材適中,不高不矮,個性急,談吐斯文,神經過敏多愁善感,有異性緣。
   太陽星︰太陽星之代表人物為紂王之忠臣比干,為光明之神司掌『光明』、『博愛』權貴之星能文能武,相貌方圓體格雄壯,化忌則干瘦高,男性坦率女性有男子態 ,個性強異性緣佳,不論男女心直口快,喜爭論易生氣,做事積極不偏袒,喜外交活動善交朋友。

  武曲星︰武曲星之代表人物為文王的兒子姬發即周武王,為財富之神司掌『財富 』、『武勇』、『壽』,又為寡宿之星不利女命,面白皙、額寬、眉粗、毛髮粗硬、 性格剛毅,誠實信用,重義氣、直性子、死不認輸,有新奇點子,作事有板有眼。

  天同星︰天同星之代表人物為周文王,為溫順之神司掌『溫順』、『協調』,天同星主福又主壽,什麼都好不拒絕、不積極的個性,面貌似孩童,體形胖圓,幽默、人緣好,不與人計較,知足常樂,女命醉心羅曼蒂克中,加桃花星置身於小說的感情 生活中。


  天府星︰天府星代表人物為紂王之妻姜皇后,為才藝之神司掌『才能』、『慈悲 』形貌清秀,面紅齒白,心性溫良、聰明、機變、安分守己,有競爭力不認輸,女命清秀高雅,理智重於感情,喜布置家,重穿著及審美。

  太陰星︰太陰星的代表人物為黃飛虎之妻賈夫人,為清潔之神司掌『清潔』、『 住宅』,面色白皙微黃,男命有女態,聰明、文雅、溫順、小心、有肚量、耐心、重 感情、愛干淨,化忌不愛干淨,和女性相處不好。
   貪狼星:貪狼星之代表人物為妲己,為欲望之神司掌『欲望』、『物質』,貪狼 化氣为桃花,又為標準,可福可禍,臉色青白或黄白,男貌性格,女貌艷麗,生活多 彩多姿,不拘小節,喜吃喝愛過夜生活、善交際。敢賺敢花,多才多藝,喜神仙之學 ,感情不定,博愛隨和,化忌者好賭,入水鄉者桃花處處開。
   巨門星︰巨門星之代表人物為姜子牙之妻馬千金,為是非之神司掌『是非』、『 疑惑』,巨門主口舌、是非、食祿、口才、竊星,眼光銳利善察言觀色,回應佳、有 辯才、喜號研究學術有分析理解力,記憶力、聯想力,女命不宜,好處是細心,壞處 是多疑,愛情常變。
   天相星︰天相星之代表人物為紂王之忠臣聞太師,為奉仕之神司掌『慈愛』、『 服務』為福善化氣為印,偏文事,相貌敦濃,誠實不虛偽,對人誠懇、隨和、慷慨、有同情心愛自由、打抱不平、喜結識權貴,女命好打扮、貪吃挑食、有笑容、一輩子 不愁吃穿。
   破軍星︰破軍星之代表人物為紂王,為破耗之神司掌『破損』、『消耗』,破軍之變動為主將,故知善於沖鋒陷陣,身材五短、背濃肩寬、任性狂傲、遇事多疑、投機冒險、喜新事物、喜破壞現狀,加以變化改革,言語不拘,男命不重外表,女命反之 且虛榮、浪費、神經質。




( 興趣嗜好星座命理 )
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