(or South pole) is not the right place to see the Northern ligth as you can see from picture taken by NASA. The light can be seen around the circle out-skirt of the North(South) pole. And, more important, it is not only the right place but also the right timing to veiw the spectacular scene. Just like the saying 早起的鳥有蟲吃 (這隻鳥還得守在蟲蟲出沒的正當頭 才吃得到阿).
Well, since you have many chances to fly over the North pole, get your camera ready, I am waiting for your showing off the beautiful photos on your blog!!! All, you should worry of the the X-ray effect flying over North pole. I suggest you eat more seaweeds to resolve some of the effect from your system and prepare some dried seaweeds, you know the one you can buy from the oriental store, to chew/eat while on the plane.
I admire Nicholas the Saint, not the Hohoho guy who is hired to sit in the mall to attract more buyer. See how many tv commercial using the red-big guy at this time? What does Coca Cola to do with Nicholas the Saint's giving gifts to poor kids (you know the company use that image every season)?
I don't mind to repeart one more time that I don't against the good thing for the season. What I don't like is the Commercialization of abusing the image of Cultur/Religent.