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【折價券代碼】Quinny Carrycot LUX – Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection 暢銷產品特賣會
2018/12/11 14:31:06瀏覽1|回應0|推薦0


比如買Quinny Carrycot LUX – Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection

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以下是Quinny Carrycot LUX – Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection

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Quinny Carrycot LUX - Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection 2019

The adorable Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection of Quinny's carrycot LUX is an absolute must-have item to add some more oomph to your everyday strolls with your little one - perfect right from the very first day. The stylish combination of subtle colours and fine fabrics make you stand in the centre of attention. Tiny humans will feel absolutely comfortable and safe in this cosy companion.

The super light carrycot is made of robust and breathable materials. Its trendy and modern design helps you make a stylish performance wherever you go. A comfy mattress, the soft padding as well as a cosy windproof blanket offer your little one a place to retreat on any trip. Cosy on the inside and robust on the outside - this carrycot is simply perfect for baby's first adventures!

The carrycot can be attached to the chassis of the buggy with only a few clicks. In case your baby is fast asleep, you can easily release the carrycot single-handedly without waking up your little chap. The practical carrying handle of the versions Zapp Flex Plus and Zapp Flex can also be used as a play bar.

The sun shade is not included in the delivery and thus has to be purchased separately. Due to the wide range of colours available you can create various exciting and interchangeable combos.

Items of delivery include the carrycot, mattress, padding, windproof blanket and a carrying handle.

Please note: The sun shade and the rain cover are items included in the Zapp Flex Plus and Zapp Flex, both are compatible with the carrycot LUX. For the Zapp XPRESS you can purchase the sun shade and the rain cover as separate accessories.


  • Rachel Zoe Lux Sport Collection

  • Suitable from birth

  • Compatible with Zapp Flex Plus, Zapp Flex and Xpress
  • 暢銷產品特賣會

  • Incl. mattress, padding, windproof blanket and carrying handle

  • Easy to release with only one hand

  • Material: ultra-light, breathable

  • Interchangeable sun canopy (not included in delivery), canopy of Flex and Flex Plus is compatible

  • Weight: 3 kg




Quinny Carrycot 找便宜便宜團購LUX – Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection





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