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赤壁之戰? 渡江之戰比較貼切吧.
2022/11/16 15:19:18瀏覽766|回應0|推薦11

That "premier" Su said again that future war across the strait will be a modern "Battle of Chibi", a typical "beat the crowd with few", implying the latter-day Cao Cao will lose the battle despite his dominating military power.  So funny.

The future war across the strait, if any, will be another "Battle of Crossing Long River" that took place in the spring of 1949.  Then PLA acquired an overwhelming victory over morale-less KMT troop in a very short time.  You may say then America already deserted KMT, but now Taiwan may have help from the US, or even Jap. Well, if that foolish thinking brings you cheer. 

In fact, British corvette Amethyst and other battleships of Far Eastern Royal Navy engaged in the battle.  The result?  They were easily defeated and fled away like KMT troop did. 

Stop your reverie, Su and islanders.  There will be no "Battle of Chibi" in favor of Taiwan.  It will be an unfinished and unbalanced civil war, though I hope it will be settled peacefully.   

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