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道理很簡單: 差別在底蘊
2022/11/09 15:39:00瀏覽845|回應0|推薦15

In early 90, that was thirty years ago, my aunt and my uncle of mother side came from Mainland to visit us.  As younger generation to them, my elder brother and I chipped in $4,000 as "greeting present" and gave each of them $2,000. (then less than a months salary of mine) I will never forget the complexion my aunt evinced on the spot: a mixture of surprise, appreciation, and a little embarrassment.  In those days, $2,000 approximately valued over RMB10,000, that was a big fortune for ordinary people or a family in China Mainland.

But when my aunt showed her ID card to us, suddenly I realized the gap of wealth between Taiwan and China Mainland would be erased soon or later.  That is a well laminated plastic card with perfect hue and shape, having some function of data processing.  Do you know what kind of ID card we were using then?  A paper one of handwritings and pasted photo. 

The following video may tell you why the "national" wealth of Taiwan dropped from 45% of the the GDP of China Mainland in early 90 to 1/22 by now.          


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