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2022/05/09 18:26:12瀏覽446|回應0|推薦13

Report said some media worker posted a video in his FB yesterday, showing the electronic clock in the hall of General Military Hospital of Kaohsiung gave the hourly time with 東方紅 as the background music.  Some green media then cried out that such an "accident" was "quite embarrassing" to Taiwan.  (DPP, do not feel embarrassed because KMT also made the similar "mistake", in a program on TTV, when celebrating its 80th anniversity in 1974.)

The music of the song is derived from a folk song of Shanxi.  When Chinese Red Army were in the northern part of Shanxi, someone adapted the music and composed subject song with new lyrics (through revision several times):  


FYI, the song was once the de facto national anthem of China Mainland during the era of Cultural Revolution.     

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