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2022/03/07 10:29:07瀏覽360|回應0|推薦7

According to Taiwan media reports of yesterday, some military tank hit a power pole again, virtually a telephone pole, in Kaohsiung during a drill.  The "news" didnt surprise me because it had been not uncommon to see such kind of military flops happen in Taiwan.

But from the photo taken at the "accident" site, we can see there are numerous electrical wires hanging on top of the poles like a huge spider web that often seen in backwater areas.  The first thought in my mind was why not use the huge expenditure on those useless tanks to improve the infrastructure by replacing those poles and wires with underground cables? 

Just sit down and think about it, why does Taiwan need those tanks for, urban warfare to "save" innocent lives when that day comes?  Well, a PRC national flag may be much better.    


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