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蓬佩奧竄訪台灣值得興奮嗎? 想想當年尼克森訪台。
2022/02/24 08:01:28瀏覽701|回應0|推薦10

The former US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, along with a sheer quisling Yu, will "visit" Taiwan next month.  DPP administration and green media felt exhilarated just as "beaten by chicken blood".

You will never know how much money Taiwan would pay to Pompeo for his presence on the island, and how many deals granted to the interest groups he is representing for.  Any substantial effects?  Not at all, except the reverie that stupid islanders may fancy themselves as America would stand by them when "necessary".

You may be too young to know the fact that after Richard Nixon, as incumbent Veep, lost to Senator John Kennedy in 1960 presidential election, he visited Taiwan.  Then Chiang administration must have known better that Nixon would bring nothing to Taiwan or ROC but Pepsi Cola he was trying to sell, so they did not show much official welcome to Nixon.  Well, ten years later, when Nixon finally became the president of the US, he also became the first president visiting Mainland China, paving the way for the US to forsake the island, eventually.

History won’t tell a lie; it’ll just repeat itself.    


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