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2022/02/17 12:16:23瀏覽453|回應0|推薦11

  1. 王濛是中国短道速滑历史上的标杆人物,这位“冠军大神”在咪咕视频与黄健翔搭档,解说了短道速滑首个比赛日的比赛。
    Paired with Huang Jianxiang, a popular Chinese sports commentator, Wang, one of Chinas most decorated Olympic athletes, started her commentary career on the first day of the short track speed skating competition via Migu, a subsidiary of China Mobile that provides digital content and related services.
  2. 王濛在武大靖冲线后,立刻在演播室拍桌大喊。When skater Wu Dajing crossed the finish line and was waiting for the final result, Wang slapped the table and roared。
  3. 王濛曾获得4枚冬奥会金牌,至今仍是中国短道速滑的“神话”。2006年都灵冬奥会获短道速滑女子500米冠军;2010年温哥华冬奥会获短道速滑女子500米、1000米、3000米接力冠军,是中国短道速滑历史上第一个“三冠王”,也是迄今为止中国获得冬奥会金牌最多的选手。
    Wang won four gold medals in the womens 500m, 1,000m and 3,000m relay at two Winter Olympic Games (Turin 2006 and Vancouver 2010). She retired after the 2014 Sochi Games.
  4. “我一直说,我来这里并不是为了打败其他选手,我只是想去打破自己的界限。”谷爱凌说。 "I am not competing to beat other riders, not to ride better than others, but I want to ride 100 percent of my best."
  5. 专业的运动员会采用保持匀速等各种不同的策略来防止眩晕。前庭系统中的神经传感器只能检测速度的变化,因此它们无法感知以稳定速度发生的旋转。如果运动员能够控制自己的速度,他们只有在加速旋转和减速旋转时才会感到头晕。Professional athletes employ a variety of other strategies to prevent dizziness, including maintaining a uniform speed. The sensors in our vestibular system can detect only changes in speed, so they fail to sense rotation that takes place at a steady pace. If athletes can manage their speed, they encounter dizziness only while they accelerate into and slow down out of a spin.

  • paired 成对的
  • commentator 解说员;实况播音员;时事评论员;时事评论家
  • athletes 运动员
  • short track speed skating competation 短道速滑
  • via 通道;途径
  • subsidiary 子公司
  • China mobile 中国移动
  • slap 拍击,拍打
  • retired 退役;退休
  • beat 打败;击退
  • employ 使用;雇佣;运用;应用
  • strategies -strategy 策略;战略;作战方针
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