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2022/02/04 13:47:50瀏覽566|回應0|推薦11

Each time when involved in "international" events, e.g., Olympic Game, Taiwan would go banana for its "national" appellation.  

Chinese Taipei is the official name for the team from Taiwan (or ROC, whatever); no matter you like it or not, it is the fact.  Because the winter Olympic this time is hosted by Beijing, most likely the Chinese announcement on the team from Chinese Taipei will be 中國台北 instead of that self-appointed 中華台北. 

Huang, a "senior journalist", severely criticized China Mainland for such a "wheeling and dealing".  He urged that China Mainland put herself in Taiwans shoes and said what if Taiwan calls China Mainland as Zhi Na in the similar occasion.  For crying out loud, Mr. Huang, what an utterly improper and illogical statement you made!

I used to regard Huang as an unbiased panelist in talk shows, not anymore.  Dear Mainlanders, just adopt the "do-the-right-things-right" attitude towards Taiwan, and no longer harbor any unrealistic hope in favor of the island.   

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