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2022/01/13 11:41:48瀏覽521|回應0|推薦11

Eventually, an "upgraded" F16-V fighter crashed two days ago in a drill.  Though the aircraft has been upgraded at a prohibitive price, still it already reached the limit of its "shelf life".  We just cannot imagine what will happen if those F16-Vs meet their counterparts, the heavier J-16 and J-10C, much less the stealth aircraft J-20, in battles.

Dear ROC pilots, it is not worth your lives to die for that Taidu regime, who is just a running dog of Jap and America.  You are Chinese soldiers; are you willing to die for foreign countries? 

Attached below is kind of a friendly persuasion told by Mr. Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of Huanqiu Times: 

胡锡进:台当局不要为了表演“保卫台湾”,让更多飞行员丧生!_风闻 (guancha.cn)

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