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2022/01/07 12:18:51瀏覽633|回應0|推薦13

Some netizen found that on Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, the name of "Nicaragua" in Chinese edition was changed to "Nicaragua Beggars Republic" by an anonymous user (or editor) on the 5th day this month, and he also found that the address of the IP displayed was Taipei, Taiwan.  When Wikipedia realized some user took liberties with the item regarding Nicaragua, it almost immediately semi-blocked the right to further revision, according to some reporting.

Such a frivolity demonstrated one more time the unrestrained acts of sheer folly "performed" by the green "internet army".  Remember that video in which Director-General of WHO rebuked the dirty vitriol that internet army made against him, simply because he said something in favor of the achievements of China Mainland?  DPP and your internet army, you will only end up as fodder of clown kind in international politics.        

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