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2021/12/25 07:02:46瀏覽603|回應0|推薦8

A British in China made the video to compare the difference of the subway between a less-developed city of Guiyang and the fanciest city of New York, as attached below.  The comparison between the subway of most recent technology and the one built over a hundred years ago is somewhat meaningless.  But at least City of New York could have maintained the antiquities a little clean and tidy. Why not?(FYI, The station shown on the video is Chamber Street, a place nearing China Town.  I used to be there when I was working in NYC during 90s.) 

Some Mainlanders may argue that in NYC wealthy people are traveling by private cars, and poorer people are relying on subways.  well, it is not true.  I can tell you that most of commuters in metropolitan New York rely on buses and subways, just as people do in Taipei.  So, the ugly and dirty subways in NYC have not been the obsolete; they are still in service.  Thus, people there have to tolerate the extremely adverse conditions they are facing everyday.  Oh my goodness.

英国博主:中国地铁VS美国地铁 老美扎心了 - 西瓜视频 (ixigua.com)

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