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2021/11/09 09:30:28瀏覽536|回應0|推薦11

Sometime in March 2019 when the four brothers of us, one of our aunts as well, attended the wedding reception of my nephew in Hong Kong, we took the opportunity to visit Guangzhou.  As we were in a subway station, trying to make a transfer to our next stop, the five old people (except my youngest brother, all had exceeded 70 then) gathered in front a route map to find the next tram we were going to take. Then a woman security officer, followed by another two men, approached us, and asked what they can do for us. When we told them we were looking for the right tram to our next stop, she showed us the right way out and gave us other useful information, politely.

Later, my younger brother highly praised the service those security officers had given to us, but my elder brother deemed it the other way round by saying it was their job to disperse any group of people lingering at one spot of public area, even the seniors like us. Two brothers argued over whether that service was a real "service”, or it was just a part of security check so bitterly that I had to appease them. I said maybe it was either a customer service or a security move. 

I would not mind any security check in airports, subway stations (in Mainland), or other public venues, for I think it is a necessary measure in protecting the "freedom from fear" of people.  But those Japs may think otherwise; please see following report at:  

日本人:我们在地铁里杀人放火,但我们有不被安检的自由_风闻 (guancha.cn)   

Over a century ago, Mr. Yan Fu translated the title of "On Liberty", the masterpiece of John Stuart Mill, as "群己權界論". You know what the real liberty should be.         

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