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2021/10/21 13:02:38瀏覽528|回應2|推薦7

I went for diagnostic tests of blood. urine, and feces yesterday.  The name shows on the badge of the Asian technician serving me is Yin.  I thought she is Chinese, so I asked if she is.  She replied to me that she was born to the family of Chinese expatriates in former South Vietnam.  She said she can speak Chinese, so we started to converse to each other in Mandarin, though her eloquent spoken Chinese tinted a little Cantonese accent.

I asked her what is her surname in Chinese, is it 英,殷,or 應?  I also wrote them on paper to show her those words, and she pointed at 英. She told me that the word, her surname, is one of the few Chinese words she has ever known, but she does not know what the word means.  When I told her 英 is a good word in Chinese, and it is used to denote things in positive manner, e.g., England, English, hero, and so on, she is surprised to learn that.     

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學習毛主席,實事求是😊 不用漢語拼音,注音符號也可以
2021/10/22 06:32

如果她的姓,拼音是 yin即注音的 ㄧㄣ,他的漢姓就只能是 ,不可能是"應"或"英"。因為,  注音是ㄧㄥ 或拼音為 ying。

我們從小學的注音符號裡 ㄣ(in)和 ㄥ(ing)是不同的,後者有鼻腔音 😊

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2021-10-22 07:19 回覆:

這就是我的難處:註音符號學得一塌糊塗,因為進國小前已經認得很多國字,不需要註音符號去幫忙認字。 這也是我不用中文寫部落格的原因之一, 因為常常揑不準國字的發音,鍵輸太費勁了


Yin and Ying
2021/10/22 03:51

I don't think that she really knows (or cares) which character is her real family name.  Please note that Yin is for 殷 or 尹 and Ying is for 應 or 英. 

Hanyupinyin (漢語拼音)is a very precise and sound spelling system.  Please show some respect to the system. 微笑

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2021-10-22 04:42 回覆:
But the name shown on her badge is exactly "Yin".  Yes, I don't quite understand the pronounciation nuance of Hanyupinyin; nevertheless, I do respect the system very much.