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2021/09/30 13:36:39瀏覽468|回應0|推薦8

Previously I wrote 那家華為分公司不見了,telling you a Huawei US branch office in my neighborhood had gone, leaving a new sign board of Future Wei in that empty park.  I thought the Huawei branch had closed its business in the States and the new sign board might still have connections with the head quarter.  I was wrong, partly wrong.

Today Someone sent a biography of Huawei founder Mr. Ren Zhengfei , which is compiled by Wiki Encyclopædia.  The biography says Huawei founded its branch in the States as early as on June, 2002 at Santa Clara, CA under the name of Future Wei.  So, Future Wei is the very original name of that branch office in the same city as I am living in.  What the biography doesnt say is when the name was changed to Huawei.  

The good news is, no matter the name of that branch is under the name of Huawei or Future Wei, recently I found there have had vehicles parking in front of the office, and the fluorescent lamps in there have lit again.

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