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2021/09/11 14:07:52瀏覽493|回應0|推薦9

Yesterday I told you TV drama "掃黑風暴" is now a blockbuster in China Mainland, signifying the public mindset toward the underworld in China, which is a target of crackdown accompanying the wealth redistribution movement recently launched by China government.

By contrast, today I read a report in LINE that a "big brother" in the underworld of southern Taiwan, who has turned over a new leaf and become a successful businessman, was murdered by one of his retinues not long ago.  An unprecedented funeral in the history of Taiwan "black society" ever was held in last April for the dead.  Thousands of "mourners", including local politicians, joined the funeral in the middle of ritzy cortege, beautiful miss concierges, and grand mourning hall.   (I am sorry I just dont know how to migrate the vedio here for you guys.)

PS Though the death penalty has not been abolished in Taiwan, virtually no judge will sentence any criminal to death, regardless how serious the crime he or she commits.  Is Taiwan more civilized in human right?  Not really.  Like I have always said, one of the main reasons for DPP to do so is trying to make difference from China Mainland, where the death penalty is still in force and being executed.    


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