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2021/08/16 09:15:15瀏覽442|回應0|推薦7

The "rebel" Taliban troops already occupied Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, without further ado.  Undoubtfully, Tailiban will establish a new government to rule in Afghanistan pending the formal recognization from other countries.  US helicopters began to take off from the helipad on top of its embassy to withdraw its diplomats, its citizens, foreigners, some "lucky" Afghans as well, and started to burn up the credential documents.  The similar scene had appeared in 1975 when the US desserted South Vietnam and fleed away in chaos. 

Earlier in the spring of 1949 when PLA took Nanjiang and Nationalist government moved to Guangzhou, the US Embassy was the only one stayed put.  Why not leaving?  Because Americans tried to talk with Chinese Communist to see if they could "inherit" their privileges in China from the new government.  Chairman Mao rejected their fancy ideas decisively, so the US at last gave it up and then forsook Nationalist completely until Korean War broke out the very next year.  (In 1979, the US severed the diplomatic relation with ROC on Taiwan, though with the island it retained some unofficial ties, which KMT and DPP regarded as the only and most important recourses. So stupid!)  

Evidenced by the history, for its own national interest the US will forsake anyone whenever deems it fit.  Dear Taidu and Dutai advocates, have the historical lessons made it clear to you?

PS  Afghanistan, South Vietnam, and Nationalist government have things in common: they all use sohisticated American weapons, but they are all corruptive.    


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