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A Sentimental Journey
2014/05/03 03:32:59瀏覽128|回應1|推薦6
The last week or so I was in Toronto, Canada, attending my sister-in-law's funeral.  It was a gruelling  journey for me travelling over such a long flight from Taipei to Toronto and returning home via New York.  But it had been more of a painfully sad event for my bereaved brother who lost his wife, and my nephew who lost his mother.  The funeral was held in Christian ceremony throughout which there were dirges, tributes, condolences and tears like those counterparts of Taiwan, and it appeared being a solemn ritual  with sincerities but without overrelaborate formalities.  Well, I don't know if I am right about this, but Christians believe it is a glorious thing to be nestled in the arms of God, whreras some atheistic Chinese may gloat over others' death and think how lucky it wasn't me. So you can see most of funerals in Taiwan have become a place of people's social activities other than a place of solemnity.

After the funeral, I paid tribute to my parents who were buried there. My father lived with my brothers there in Toronto when he was in his later days. He hadn't contrituted anything to Canada, but he enjoyed all kinds of medical care without discrimination simply because of his two tax-paying sons. Thank you, Canada.
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Welcome Back
2014/05/03 06:28

Glad that you are  back.

It seems that Canada is better than the U.S. in every way for ......... everything or anything.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-05-04 00:38 回覆:
Glad to see you guys, too.