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2008/07/29 09:48
KChai, I do have my own blog but it's not opened for public.  The purpose of setting up my blog is to upload photos and post them to Sek Hock's blog.  I agree with you that it's quite interesting to have one's own blog and you'll be happy to have friends coming to leave you a word or two.
余金才 MBA, AFA, ACIL(kcekawartha) 於 2008/07/29 18:33 回覆:
I can make this blog happened within 24 hours, I am sure you can do it better than me. I just put up some old pictures for your viewing, i will do more old Canadian pictures if i have time.

2008/07/29 01:07
BL, lucky you.  I suppose to be the 1st to leave message here but because of KChai's setting, I have become no. 4.  Ha... ha....  Tak mahu kalah!!
余金才 MBA, AFA, ACIL(kcekawartha) 於 2008/07/29 18:31 回覆:
I know for the fact that you were the first to emai me regarding leaving your first message, much obliged.

2008/07/29 00:56

Glad to have another blog to visit. Do post more photos of you and your family.

余金才 MBA, AFA, ACIL(kcekawartha) 於 2008/07/29 01:04 回覆:
It takes time,my mate, I have lots of things to do everyday, will try my best.Incidentally, when can I visit your blog? I must admit it is kind of fun, i begin to love to write in Chinese for the last few days, Cor blimey me, goodness gracious me.

2008/07/29 00:00
麗貞的意思是: 你的訪客簿只是會員留言,如果不是會員是無法留言.只要你開放給所有的人留言,她就可以順利留言了.
余金才 MBA, AFA, ACIL(kcekawartha) 於 2008/07/29 00:06 回覆:

2008/07/28 23:55


I am a bit nervous when i set up all these, it looks alright to leave your message, Booi loi just left me few words, he is a good supporter, speak to you soon.

余金才 MBA, AFA, ACIL(kcekawartha) 於 2008/07/29 00:15 回覆:
I manage to sort out the problem, thanks to Li shen's advice.

2008/07/28 23:51

My friend,

Proud to be the first one to leave a message here.

Your articles are very interesting indeed.

Sure you will realize you dream of getting to be super rich soon with all kinds of investments.

Good Luck.

余金才 MBA, AFA, ACIL(kcekawartha) 於 2008/07/29 00:07 回覆:
Money isn't everything, i wish my sons can complete their Medical and Law schools, to become professional in this country, this is my most important wish.
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