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退休消閑浪漫情 (詩歌選集第一部份第二段)
2007/04/02 15:32:28瀏覽26|回應0|推薦0


第三篇章  敬懷師友  難忘情誼




恩師玉貌似神仙  傳道授業異前賢 

芸芸學子多受益  從此職場展奇能


人生聚散本無常  暫短離別勿感傷 

片言留待成思憶  詩箋且代淚兩行



朋友告訴他一串美麗的細語,  裏面蘊育有幾許的關懷與愛,

活在學園裏心中孤寂的人,  因她指引,  在黑暗的路上重燃起光明.




活在學園裏心中孤寂的人,  願風兒作為天使,  輕送他一縷長注的芬芳.



     Feeling of farewell () 

Their teacher’s beauty is as good as a fairy’s,

but her teaching is different from the other’s.

Many students gain much more after she teaches,

since they can show off the capability on their work.


Meeting or departure happens everywhere anytime,

on the occasion he shouldn’t appear so sad.

Her words are being remembered for thinking about,

his poetry instead of tears pours down heavily.



   Feeling farewell ()

Friends told him a dozen of beautiful words,

there were deep concern and kindness in it.

The man who lives in his lonely heart in the learning forum,

he again lights up the dark road with her teaching.

What a devil pushed away the chance for her to come,

how can friends tell where is her shadow and voice?

The man who lives in his lonely heart in the learning forum,

may the wind, an angel sends him a good smell.




容貌美若天女  教方卓越無前  學子永生受惠  全歸師道多能

離散人生常見  何須傷感連連  訓悔長將懷憶  小詩替作淚痕



友好帶來喜訊  滿懷慈愛開心  優悶長期難解  師言頓出林深

何事導引師去  從茲難得佳音  寂寞悲愁又現  唯祈天使來尋



豋車撩腿露私光  玉筍粉嫩妙暗藏  無心共學緣湊定  難忘春月短情香

美貌慈懷行懿德  敬業持家把善揚  親朋均感魚同水  配角共奏馨和章

喜妒同儕勿懼色  清純共賞美嬌娘



美人堅邀結車緣,  雙月同樂課業前,

風雨生情非為愛,  純真歡聚永留痕.  



多年共事友誼長  別後重聚品茶香 

離前拍下歡樂影  留作暇時慰思量



Co-worker in decade more made friendship deeply.                            

A genteel tea-party are there at the happy reunion,

To take some pictures before we are going away,

So we can image our friends while we are thirstily.



機線之友重深誼  餐敘聯歡常訂時  世事人間多變化  貧富閑忙各唏噓

細說別後開懷事  杯殘飯飽興不移  豪情易醉杯難再  家人頻催各速回

餘食分贈甜言美  高尚交遊盡守禮  道別同儕多祝福  再次團圓定可期



旱田巧遇缺雨時  老農常嘆難深犛  地遠路遙耕無處  奇緣湊夥抽水機

舊管新機功力大  強抽猛送基不移  轟隆整晚天己亮  油盡水枯拆分離

機管終非原配件  分隔難合再神迷

( 不分類不分類 )
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