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2011/04/07 20:57:11瀏覽306|回應0|推薦2 | |
A guy is 84 years old and loves to fish. when he heard a voice say, ' Pick me up. ' 一個聲音說:「把我拿起來。」 ! when he heard the voice say again, ' Pick me up. ' 他以為是他的幻覺。 floating on the top, was a frog. 那裡正有一隻青蛙浮在水面上。 I ' ll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. 將我拿起來,吻我, 我就會變為你今生所見最漂亮的女人。 and jealous because I will be your bride! ' 因為我即將成為你的新娘。 reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket. 很小心地托起青蛙放入他前面的口袋裡。 Didn ' t you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride. ' 我說,吻我,然後我就會成為你美麗的新娘。」
「算了,以我這樣的年紀, 我寧願有一隻會說話的青蛙。」
( 知識學習|其他 ) |