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2020/11/02 05:52:35瀏覽1825|回應3|推薦38 | |
至善者恩澤天下 天恩客受教於至善者、不得不以信仰者之觀察,曰: 川普連任後世界開新局 至善者在111(11月1日聖餐主日)已經託付(has divinely entrusted)川普弟兄繼續執掌美國政府的大權了。結果會近似台灣的111 (1月11日)大選,蔡勝韓敗一樣。 不是賢愚之分、乃大是大非之分。 話說從前過往半個甲子的30年: 可憐的基督徒李國鼎 1966年高雄啓動世界第一個出口加工區、由李國鼎弟兄主持、天恩客的父親由台灣省物資局獲指派、一人離家往赴香港(國際最大的免稅港)派駐三年、為中華民國帶回了高雄出口加工區的計劃藍本。當年、毛澤東開展血腥的權鬥、十年期的文化大革命搞了大破壞,台灣就此開啓出口創匯並產生出超、新台幣就此獲得美金支撐、國家擁有外匯儲備、並國際經貿領先中共30年。 中共1979年開始改革開放之年,外匯儲備只有區區200億美元、而台灣有800億美元。而在GDP的總量上、台灣佔全中國GDP的30%。 那知李國鼎弟兄被騙、癌症末期、還在中國循循善誘,教中共科技部趙部長:1)如何從管理其出口加工區、以及進一步設置2)工業園區、和最終集大成的3)科學園區。趙部長釋出最大的善意、就是請癌末的李弟兄、坐着演講即可。 中共就是用李國鼎的一己好心、準備打垮臺灣及全世界的。因為在中共的原教旨主義中、中共以外的世界均為淪䧟區、其它國家政府政權皆為敵人、全球老百姓也全是中共的外部階級敵人。中共的本國人民更是沒有投票權沒有自由民主的待割、正在割、及已經割完的韮菜! 掠食的狼群、有被記載過、曾感恩天地提供食物嗎?有曾向被獵殺動物讖悔其之不義嗎?答案是:良心根本不在中共狼群的基因裡呢! 是故: 1)老百姓是韮菜工; 2)人民幣狂貶; 3)出口補貼退稅; 4)重要產業一旦技術得手、產品出口就低價傾銷至打倒全球對手為止; 5)非法建立有全球重大影響力對手含政經軍情教民的獨佔寡佔關係、使全球數萬利己的菁英狼群、有實力在明暗雙間道中、掌控聯合國、WTO、WHO、聯合國人權理事會、各國政府及政要、並暴割全球韮菜! 最後一位無產階級鬥士鄧小平 鄧小平是清朝勤工儉學外派留法學生。他至少有人權思想有愛百姓之心、所以1979年開啓了中國的改革開放。1980年春天、天恩客25歲時、在美國匹茲堡西屋電氣總部、接待了中國電力部第一個赴美的電力代表團、團長還是中共解放前的中華民國電力部外派美國西屋電氣的工程師。 鄧小平還在1984年、終止了海外滲透的馬來西亞民族解放陣線、並促成其五千軍民走出西馬山區、並成功在泰國南部建立和平村、理想主義者、得以和平終老。 鄧在1979年改革開放初期時就曾説道:中國龐大的市埸是一塊大肥肉、西方國家垂涎三尺、會像蜜蜂一樣密密麻麻的沾過來的(大意)。所以中共子弟都富起來了、也都全球滲透了!境外敵對勢力的賣國賊像蒼蠅群般來儀,也被擇重收編了! 毛澤東的臭老九説 毛澤東口中的「臭老九」是根據元朝人以職業對人民划分等級而說。 蒙古人統治中國時將人分為十等,排名為一官、二吏、三僧、四道、五醫、六工、七獵、八娼、九儒、十丐,「知識份子」列於第九,在優娼之下,比乞丐好一點。元朝以打仗屠城殺人取奴隸取物資、作為帝國經營之道,等到幾乎全取歐亞大陸3500萬平方公里時、也就是帝國沒落衰敗之時。 中共數次大修無數小修改動歷史、年輕人已經不知道毛澤東曾青黃不接、年少時得到北大圖書館管理員一職十年,讀透了中國官廷鬥爭史至少上萬本吧!針對毛澤東資優又群書愛不釋手且早晚學習的估算。(註:天恩客為讀懂國共內戰誰是誰非、1980年代閒暇時間的幾年內就讀了二百餘本。) 毛澤東他讀通了大秦一統天下的祕密乃在「商鞅變法」。而此法的鬼魔之道、乃在如何偷天換日、使大秦能從國力極度支撐的二十萬正規軍的小兵團、擴充建立擁有百萬的正規軍、並使每一位的軍人日常開銷含兵器、均由其出處的每一個家庭願意供養之。 下賤的毒召、解答如下: 1)偷走百姓的地、 2)隨便就能關人的下三濫生活細則、 3)打仗以殺敵數敵人人頭立功。立功的獎勵呢? 有軍功即有官位、並外加地分配。大秦帝國打下天下後、天下有多大呢?笑死人的!其疆域還小過西南邊界的「羌族諸部」呢! 中共以上述的兩招自認可一統天下也! 為何中國皇帝老吹破牛皮 一尊皇帝承襲帝制,「有權無責」、不能權責相等。上行下效故只能用庸才,並且能使人從人才變庸才。是故、當然數千年中國歷史傳下來、奸臣如過江之鯽,忠臣如鳳毛麟角曲指可數!帝國不亂七八糟的滅亡能有幾稀! 為何老天 不從中國皇帝願 至善者使中國西有印度、實力相若,地面戰爭取不到好處!北有北極熊、武器及戰略石油、均需靠之,必須永遠乞降,並必永防印熊合兵兩路來攻。另外,一出東海即為以日本為主的西方盟軍制約,含台灣。 此恐怖平衡乃天意! 不然,倘日本因麻六甲海峽和南海為中華帝國所控制、石油運輸線全斷,就必須先乞降於中國、此時日本台灣及東南亞諸國就一次全倒光了。此時、以日本附庸國為首,就會被中國脅迫劍指美國、並劍指北極熊。 印度就此有可能被迫與中國合作,因為中印聯軍和日本海軍兩路夾擊俄羅斯、俄羅斯就滅國了。 此時、美國縮回美洲、世界人民被一尊皇帝割韮菜的日子、就指日可待了! 美國政客賣國史一次清 1973年與尼克森密訪中國、後被尊稱中國人民的老朋友、季辛格。現有增加微軟的比爾蓋茨、 在中國發展疫苗發大財! 1992年 索羅斯結盟王岐山、投資海航二千萬美金、而海航當年資本額才美金125萬折合人民幣1000萬元、還是國營企業。(今天、索羅斯能挺川普嗎?) 1993年 華爾街結盟江澤民、朱鎔基、宣佈宏觀調控經濟、人民幣被操縱大大的眨值。開啓中共出口創匯新紀元、暗地準備打死所有東南亞的華人出口企業。 1997年 索羅斯從印尼波動東南亞各國金融貨幣、燒到全東南亞、史稱亞洲金融風暴。卻又出千出雙簧、使港中聯手救市完成損停點、更使中國獲得非凡的讃譽以及此後非凡的出口優勢。 並就此、將東南亞的競爭優勢,用金融操作、把外銷殷商弄死或殘害殆盡。 2000年 拜登克林頓及華爾街支持中共入世貿。中國經濟就此一飛充天了!造成台灣、海外華僑被迫傾力投資中國。 2007年 華爾街以世界金融海嘯侵吞美國及世界財富、華爾街卻無一人因財務詐騙而又入獄。 小布希及華爾街請中共胡錦濤多印四萬億人民幣救世界,使人民幣快速成為流通貨幣。 2008年 以上政客共推穆斯林歐巴馬為傀儡總統。 2012年 賣國賊與伊朗合作、養了本拉登多年後、送到巴基斯坦獵殺以賺選票。又故意用穆斯林沒有的海葬滅罪跡。又養了IS叛穆國。 2020年 拜登一尊皇帝慾雙方聯手一統美國、進而一統天下。 知人生窄如手掌的生命之道 作為終生信仰者,天恩客要在此敬拜讚美主耶穌基督,並曰:敬畏耶和華(主耶穌基督第一本尊)是智慧的開端,凡遵行祂旨意的、這人便為有福! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS IS A TRANSCRIPT OF ONE OF TRUMPS CAMPAIGN SPEECH.THE WORLD READ MY STORY. My name is Donald John Trump. I was born on the 14th of June in 1947.. Throughout my life, I was a business man and real estate developer who has employed a lot of Americans before I decided to run for the seat of American presidency in 2016. For the past years before I became the president, I have watched how the Democrats, Obama&Biden ruined the pride of America and almost destroyed the world. I saw how Obama&Biden destroyed Lybia by killing Gadaaffi and ruined that beautiful country into what it is today. I saw how Obama&Biden influenced the NIGERIA election in 2015 by creating a terrorist group called Boko Haram to destabilize Nigeria under the former president so as to put in his vassal. I saw how ISIS were killing Americans and beheading people without remorse while Obama&Biden administration kept funding them. From 2017 when I took over as the president, I have achieved a lot in just 48 months more than Joe Biden who had being in power for over 47 years. I have a lot of achievements which the fake news like NBC, CNN and Co are not reporting it rather theyve being against me all through my adminstration. The following are my achievements...... 1. I stop the abortion law because it is evil against humanity and God yet Democrats&Biden are in SUPPORT of it. 2. I brought Bible and Christianity back to oval house which Obama&Biden ostracized during his tenure. 3. I gave my $400000 monthly salaries for the last four years yet the fake news media is still claiming I dont pay taxes even when I hire and pay taxes of many Americans working for me. 4. I fully stopped ISIS and their operations in less than a year of my adminstration. 5. I recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 6. I am the only president who is concerned about the killings in Nigeria by terrorists being sponsored by Obama. 7. I brought Arab nations to a historic Peace with Israel because I love peace. 8. I eliminated Suleimani the Iranian chief terrorist. 9. I cancelled the America aid to Palestinian and Afghanistan because they are sponsoring ISIS. 10. I rebuilt the America military to the extent it is the best in worlds history today. 11. I brought back jobs to America and our economy was the best before the China plague. 12. I brought back the celebration of Christmas which Obama&Biden made a taboo In all these, the American fake media and radical left including crazy Nancy pelosi all conspired to distract me from doing my works. I have being dragged about by these fake media and politicians who are anti America and because I failed to Join in their occultic group. They started by claiming that Russia influenced the 2016 presidential election which turned out to be lies. They went after me over the phone calls I made with the Ukrainian president and in all, I was vindicated. They went on with their impeachment hoax which I won them because I am innocent. They were against me when I locked the American border but later came to blame me over Chinese virus.. Almost all the Democratic controlled states are been taken over by Antifa and the group they created to ruin America and are against LAW& ORDER. Americans and the world, I have a lot of stories to tell of how Democrats who supposed to join me in getting America to the highest point, joined hands with China to destroy America just because of politics.. I will write it In a book when I am finally done with my adminstration. The good people of America and the world, I really needs prayers over the upcoming America Election on the 3rd of November. The Democrats and their allies are against me because of how I decided not to play games with Americans just like they are doing. I need prayers.. Wherever you are seeing this post, please PRAY for me in your language... Wether in Europe, America, Asia, Africa, precisely Nigeria most especially the Eastern Region, middle East, please pray to God to help me achieve victory in the next Election. Please pray for me in your language because I believe in prayers, in Jesus and power of God almighty.. He is the only one who would give me victory.. Once I win, I will focus on Africa and bring permanent peace by freeing nations who are suffering from the post European Colonization........ https://www.facebook.com/biafranewschanel/ Do me a favor please Share this to 5 Facebook groups so that I will get their prayers Share please.... If you see this post, share to others I AM DONALD TRUMP! |
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