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2014/09/28 15:42:37瀏覽211|回應1|推薦0 | ||||||||
Part III X: Thank you, B. Now…thank you. … In a few seconds, I will give each of you a card with a question on it. Each of you will have two minutes to think about what you are going to say. Then you will have two minutes to present your talk to your partner. Listen carefully while your partner is speaking and take notes if necessary, because you will be asked to summarize what your partner has just said. Now, A…this is your question. A: OK. Thank you. X: B, this is A’s question. B: OK. X: OK? Now, A, please use the next two minutes to prepare your talk. (After two minutes.) X: Now, A, please talk for two minutes. Remember, I will stop you when your time is up. A: OK. X: B, please listen very carefully to what A says. B: OK. A: OK, um…we all know that nowadays um…a lot of scientists, they are working very hard on finding cures for um…many different types of serious illnesses. And one way to reach their…one way to…come up with some findings that um…that are useful is to use laboratory…uh animals in laboratory tests. Um…I…personally, I think it is ethical to use animals in laboratory tests. Uh, but the most important thing…the most important point being that these…laboratory experiments should be well-designed, and well-regulated. And these um…animals that um…these laboratory animals uh be kept and raised and maintained in a humane way…and even if they have to…sacrifice their lives for us human…um…it should be done in…like, like I said, in a humane way…not just…ruthlessly…you know. And um…I...have some background in um…science…scientific fields, and we used to um…raise and perform laboratory tests on laboratory…on these animals…like rats, or monkeys. Um…but we…with well-designed experiment, it is really helpful, and um…in our reports…um…of course we will…give full credit to these animals. And um…also the people who designed um…who designed these experiments. Um…. X: OK. Thank you, A. A: Oh, OK. Thank you. X: Now, B, you have 45 seconds to summarize the main points of A’s presentation. B: OK. Um, basically, A is for um, the proposal of um…using animals in laboratory tests. But um she…presents some um…prerequisites. The first one is um…the environment of the laboratory should be well-designed and well-regulated. And the other is, the animals used should be kept and maintained, or dealt with in a humane way. And she also used some of her personal experiences to back up the proposal. X: Um-hm. And…? B: And I think, so…so uh…basically, yeah…the uh…she think it…it is ethical to use animals in laboratory tests. X: Thank you, B. B: Thank you. X: OK. Now…. OK, so…B, this is your question. … A, this is B’s question. A: OK. X: OK? Now, B, please use the next two minutes to prepare your talk. Thank you. B: OK. (After two minutes.) X: Now, B, please talk for two minutes. I will stop you when your time is up. And A, please listen carefully to what B says. A: OK. B: Basically, I think X: OK. Thank you, B. Now, A, you have 45 seconds to summarize the main points from B’s presentation. A: OK. B believes that X: Thank you, A. OK, thank you. This is the end of the test. Thank you. A: Thank you.
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