In the following passage, each paragraph (except for the first and last paragraphs) has a heading that expresses the main idea of that paragraph. For questions 27 to 32, choose one of the headings from the list (A-J) for each paragraph that lacks a heading. Note that you will not use all of the headings in the list. Mark the appropriate letters for questions 27 to 32 on your answer sheet.
Questions 27-32 Headings for "Computers in Primary Education"
Further Studies Planned
Lack of Sufficient Proof
No Substitute for the Great Outdoors
Health Concerns Cited
Early Learning Is Unnecessary
Education Enhanced by Technology
Credible Claims of Benefits
Disappointing Instructional Materials
Growth May Be Hindered
Dangers Unclear
Computers in Primary Education
In recent years, the use of computers in primary education has become widespread in advanced countries. By 2000, instructional computers were present in 97% of U.S. elementary school classrooms. In the same year, the average primary school in the U.K. had about 18 computers, one for every 12.6 students, and similar levels of computer use have been reported in other countries as well. Proponents of computers in primary education claim many benefits, among which are that they help young students perform better academically and teach them job-related skills. However, a growing number of educators and parents are speaking out against the growing use of computer-based instruction in primary school classrooms. They assert that the claims made by proponents are not supported by research and warn that computer use may, in fact, retard normal childhood development and pose a serious risk to the health of young students.
27. _______
Educators on both sides of the debate agree that previous studies on the effects of computers on academic achievement have not produced conclusive results, in part because they often lacked scientific controls and were not replicable by other researchers. In fact, three decades of research on educational technology has revealed only one clear connection between computer use and learning by children: computer programs based on drills and practice slightly improve scores on standardized tests in some skill areas. Larry Cuban, former president of the American Educational Research Association, says that other than that finding, there is a lack of compelling evidence that computerized instruction contributes to academic success in any way.
28. _______
Meanwhile, computer-based education may have a negative impact on other aspects of childhood development. A huge body of research has confirmed the critical importance in early development of non-academic skills--social, emotional, and physical--through experience, experimentation and observation in the real world. In this light, opponents of computers in early childhood and primary education warn that the time children spend on computers takes away from the time they need to spend interacting with people and the physical world, interaction necessary for normal development.
29. _______
Supporting this viewpoint is scientific evidence that childhood is the critical time of life for developing knowledge of and appreciation for the natural world. It is largely through contact with nature, researchers also conclude, that a child's senses are trained, and that he/she learns the important skills of thoughtful reflection and careful observation. But far from bringing children and nature together, opponents say, computers in fact isolate children from the natural environment. Even computer programs designed to teach children about nature are, finally, ineffective because they replace real contact with nature with artificial, simulated experiences.
30. _______
Another criticism frequently leveled at computer-based education focuses on the poor quality of software designed for young students, which tends to rely on drills and practice that mainly promote rote learning. Using these programs, children have little opportunity to explore the concepts behind the facts they are meant to be learning or to engage in creativity, another essential ingredient in childhood development.
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As for the claim that classroom computers help young students learn important job-related skills, opponents maintain that with the speed at which technology is changing, the computer skills children learn today will be obsolete long before they are old enough to have jobs. Business leaders also point out that most work-related computer skills can be learned in a relatively short time just before students enter the job market. There is, therefore, no need for these skills to be acquired at an early age.
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Perhaps the greatest concern is with the physical risks that computers pose to young students. According to eye experts, the close-up reading children do on computers can lead to eye strain and worsen such problems as nearsightedness. Many studies have also shown that prolonged typing on a computer keyboard can cause repetitive stress injury, a serious nerve condition afflicting an increasing number of people. Furthermore, computer furniture designed for adults can create serious physical problems for children. To use computer tables, young students must often sit on chairs that are so high their feet cannot touch the floor, thus cutting off blood circulation in their legs. In addition, because computer monitors are typically at eye level for adults, children must strain their necks and lean forward to properly focus on the screen, causing additional physical strain.
The debate over computers in primary education will not be settled anytime soon. There is, however, broad agreement on two points. Long-term research is needed to determine the real benefits and risks of computer-based education in primary schools. Moreover, wherever computer technology is used in primary education, it must be applied very carefully so that it will serve only as a positive tool for the emotional and intellectual development of every child.
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