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World English : real people, real places, real language
作者:Martin Milner 出版社:Heinle Cengage Learning 出版年:c2010 索書號:PE 本期介紹:
一套內容多元且取材廣泛的英語學習教材--World English。這套教材取材National Geographic的圖片和影片,用真實、生活化、主題試的方式,製作不同程度的教學內容。real people、real places、real language是這一套書籍的特色,以真實的人事時地物,引領讀者從世界各地發生的真實故事來學習英文,既豐富有趣,又可擴展視野
引人入勝的主題式設計,搭配生動有趣的圖畫和影片,激發學習動機,掌握英檢聽說讀寫技能,對課堂學習和日常生活應對,都能得心應手。真人實境和道地的英文,使學習和世界接軌。 本書特色: ◎ 依據程度分冊,透過溝通法的學習方式,在真實世界中游刃有餘。 ◎ 國家地理頻道公播版影片、學生用的光碟片,生動呈現課文的內容。 ◎ 線上課程綱要、教師手冊、公播版影片、以及題庫光碟,提供豐富的教學資源。 World English is an exciting new four-skills general English series which uses National Geographic content, images and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in their daily lives. The series is built upon clear and practical learning goals which are presented and practiced through appropriate themes and topics. A competency-based series, World English uses real people, real places and real language to connect learners of English to the world.
‧ Four competency-based 'Goals' in each unit give learners the chance to practice new language through communicative tasks, and learn how English is used in the real world. ‧ National Geographic Video on the Classroom DVD, Student CD-ROM, and Online Video Workbook for each level brings learning to life both in and out of the classroom. ‧ Extensive teacher support is available for each level with an Online Lesson Planner, Teachers Edition, Classroom DVD, Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®, and Teacher Web Site. ‧ An Online Lesson Planner for each level is a Web-based tool which allows busy teachers to create and customize lesson plans for the World English series.
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