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排舞: Tango Cha
2009/08/10 10:56:20瀏覽587|回應0|推薦3

Tango Cha

Choreographed by:

Jo Thompson Szymanski & Deborah Szekely (June 08)


Tango by Jaci Velasquez (CD: entitled Love Out Loud )


32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance

Intro: Wait 40 Counts.  

Tango Draw, Touch, Mambo Left, Forward Rock, Recover, 1 1/2 Turn Right  


Large Step Right to Right side (1), Slowly drag Left foot to Right (2), Touch Left foot beside Right (3). (Note: For Tango styling, hold arms as if in closed dance position, leader or follower, either one is fine, look down left).  


Rock Left foot to Left side (4), Recover weight to Right foot (&), Step forward with Left (5).  


Rock forward with Right foot (6), Replace weight back to Left foot turning 1/2 Right (7).  


Step forward with Right, turn 1/2 Right (8), Step back with Left, turn 1/2 Right (&), Step forward with Right, you are now facing the back wall (1). Note: You can omit the turn by doing forward Cha Right, Together, Right.  



Mambo Forward, Tango Fans Back, Weave, 1/4 Turn Right, Back Lock Back  


Rock forward with Left (2), Recover weight back to Right (&), Step back with Left, at same time, circle right toe out to right side and back (3).  


Step Right foot crossed slightly behind Left, at same time, circle Left toe out to Left side and back.  


Step Left foot crossed slightly behind Right, at same time, circle Right toe out to Right side and back.  


Step Right foot crossed behind Left (6), Step Left to Left side (&).  


Step Right foot across in front of Left (7), Turn 1/4 Right, Step back with Left (7).  


Step back Right (8), Lock step Left foot across front of Right (&), Step back with Right (1).  



Back Rock, Recover, Forward Cha, & Kick & Back, Weave, 1/4 Turn Right  


Rock back with Left (2), Recover weight forward to Right foot 3).  


Step forward with Left (4), Step together with Right (&), Step forward with Left (5).  


Lift Right knee up slightly (&), Kick Right foot down and across front of Left (6), Lift Right knee up, Right foot close to Left knee (&), Step Right foot crossed behind Left (7).  


Step Left foot crossed behind Right (8), Turn 1/4 Right, step forward Right (&), Step forward Left (1).  



Side, Recover, Weave 1/4 Left, Sycopated Sailors Forward, Cross Rock  


Rock Right foot to Right side (2), Recover weight to Left foot (3).  


Step Right foot crossed behind Left (4), Turn 1/4 Left, step forward with Left (&), Step Right foot forward to Right diagonal (5).  


Step Left foot crossed behind Right (&), Step Right foot to Right side (6), Step Left foot forward to Left diagonal (&).  


Step Right foot crossed behind Left (7), Step Left foot to Left side (&).  


Rock Right foot across front of Left (8), Recover weight back to Left foot (&).  

Start again from the beginning.

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