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美南大專校聯會獎學金 即日起分三類接受申請
2009/02/26 12:43:47瀏覽366|回應0|推薦1

美南大專校聯會獎學金 即日起分三類接受申請
2009 JCCAA Scholarships

The Joint Chinese College Alumni Association is now accepting applications for:
Political Scholarship for College & Graduate Students
Deadline - 3/31/2009
Click here to download announcement & application form

Merit-based Scholarship for High School Seniors
Deadline - 3/31/2009
Click here to download announcement & application form

Need-based Scholarship for High School Seniors
Deadline - 3/31/2009
Click here to download announcement & application form

Political / Public Policy Scholarship
Purpose - To inspire and encourage students to pursue a political career in government and public policy
Up to 2 recipients with $2000 each
Minimum qualifications
Must be a college or graduate school student
Must either have already been offered, or be interested in and committed to, a 6-week intern position at any of the Federal, Texas state, or Houston City legislator's office in the spring, summer or fall of 2009
Selection criteria:
Passion & dedication to pursue a political career, communication skills, leadership, etc.
Application deadline – 3/31/2009
Contact: jccaa_political_2009@yahoo.

Merit-based Scholarships
Purpose - To recognize & award students for achievements in high school
A total of up to 5 recipients with $1000 each
5 - JCCAA Traditional Scholarship - funded by JCCAA
High school seniors
GPA of 3.0 on a 6.0 scale
SAT of 1800 or ACT of 27
Selection criteria: academic achievements, leadership, community services & extracurricular activities
Application deadline - 3/31/2009
Contact: jccaa_traditional_2009@yahoo.com. Or K. C. Wang (281-221-7655)

Need-based Scholarship
Purpose - To provide financial aids to a college-bound senior in the high school
One recipient with $3000
This is Mr. Sweet Huat Ling Memorial Scholarship donated by Mr. & Mrs. William Ling
Minimum qualifications
College-bound high school senior
Can demonstrate financial needs
GPA of 3.0 on a 6.0 scale
SAT of 1500 or ACT of 25
Selection criteria: financial needs, and merit
Application deadline - 3/31/2009
Contact: jccaa_lingchen_2009@yahoo.com

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