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當然,直到現在,他一手創辦的美國官方分析化學師協會( AOAC International ),依然以他的名字來頒布大獎。


這個人他創立的機構,後來演變成為舉世聞名的美國食品藥品管理局( FDA )。

他,叫Harvey W. Wiley (下簡稱“威利”),一個值得我們今天來紀念的人。 


現在的美國,幾乎是世界上對食品、藥品監管最為嚴格的國家,有著100多個分支機構的FDA ,有幾千名科學家在為它工作,護衛著人們的餐桌和健康。




1905年,記者厄普頓·辛克萊( Upton Sinclair )潛入芝加哥一家大型肉製品廠,與工人們一起工作了七週,看到的場景讓人震驚:“壞了的豬肉,被搓上蘇打粉去除酸臭味;毒死的老鼠被一同鏟進香腸攪拌機;洗過手的水被配製成調料;工人們在肉上走來走去,隨地吐痰,播下成億的肺核細菌……”


一個能說明當時情況的事例是, 1898年美西戰爭時期,美國政府組織騎兵隊奔赴古巴,結果,戰爭中沒有讓士兵倒下多少,而國內供應的變質肉罐頭,卻“成功”地讓數千名美國士兵病倒!

1899年,美國陸軍總司令邁爾斯將軍( General Nelson Appleton Miles )就此向聯邦政府提出抗議,聲稱這些牛肉罐頭比敵人的子彈殺死的士兵還多!


比如,麗迪亞·平克漢姆( Lydia Pinkham )這個美國很有成就的醫藥專利所有人,聲稱她的植物合劑,可醫治從神經衰弱到子宮下垂的任何婦女疾病。但其實,她的蔬菜合劑20%是酒精,成千上萬個宣誓戒酒的女人,都在飲用。

還有一種稱為“ Liquozone ”的靈丹妙藥,其實99%是水,再加上一點硫酸增加氣味,卻聲稱可以治療37種疾病。






作為一名兼通藥學、醫學的專家, 1844年出生的威利先後在印第安納醫學院、哈佛大學學習,後在普度大學任教,他很早就注意到罐裝食品為延長保存期,而加入各種化學添加劑,這對人體非常有害。




這些志願者被稱為“試毒小組”( Poison Squads )。







而羅斯福總統也正為食品安全的事情發愁——一個略帶戲虐化的故事是,一天早餐,羅斯福總統看到記者厄普頓•辛克萊描寫肉製品污穢不堪的小說《叢林》( Jungle ),讀到那些令人作嘔的段落,一下跳了起來——吐出口中尚未嚼完的食物,又把盤中剩下的香腸拋出了窗外! 


鑑於以威利以及“扒糞”記者們造成的強大社會輿論壓力,羅斯福總統命令勞動部部長Charles Neill和社會工作者James Bronson Reynolds ,對肉類加工業進行徹底調查。調查結果讓人震驚,當報告公諸於世的時候,引發了更為強大的輿論風潮。



1906年6月30日,在失敗了100多次之後,威利參與最後一稿擬定的《純食品和藥品法》,在美國國會以63票對4票的壓倒性多數獲得通過。 儘管法律中並沒有出現威利的名字,但他還是被認為是這部法律的真正作者。

這部法律,奠定了美國現代藥品法的雛形與骨架,直接催生了美國食品和藥品管理局。同一天,《肉製品檢查法》( Meat Inspection Act )獲得通過。 《紐約時報》歡呼:“民眾可以享受純淨食品和真正藥品的時代來臨了!”


當威利麾下的化學局來執行法案的時候,還遇到了尷尬——他們起訴Cuforhedake Brane-Fude藥品,因為它的標籤有歧義,但是勝訴之後, 700美元的罰款,很難與該公司從這個藥品中賺到的200萬美元相比!

在威利時期,農業部化學局人員從110人發展到146人,經費也從155000美元達到963780美元,搬進了自己的大樓。但是,農業部內分別成立了食品和藥品檢查委員會( the Board of Food and Drug Inspection )和科學專家顧問仲裁委員會( the Referee Board of Consulting Scientific Experts ),而且,化學局的很大一部分職權還被法院取消。



讓人欣慰的是, 68歲的威利雖然離開了政府,但這位鬥士並沒有離開他為之奮鬥的食品安全事業,他去了《好管家》( Good Housekeeping )雜誌,繼續自己的努力— —利用媒體的影響力對政府進行監督。 



1930年, 86歲的威利逝世於華盛頓的家中,後被葬於阿靈頓國家公墓。 在他死後20多年後,美國郵政局發行了以他的頭像為圖案的郵票來紀念他對《純食品和藥品法》的貢獻,不僅與此,美國多處建築也都以他的名字命名。


Harvey Washington Wiley (October 30, 1844 - June 30, 1930) was a noted chemist best known for his leadership in the passage of the landmark Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and his subsequent work at the Good Housekeeping Institute laboratories. He was the first commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration

Wiley was offered the position of Chief Chemist in the United States Department of Agriculture by George Loring, the Commissioner of Agriculture, in 1882. Loring was seeking to replace his chemist with someone who could employ a more objective approach to the study of sorghum, the potential of which as a sugar source, was far from proven. Wiley accepted the offer after being passed over for the presidency of Purdue, allegedly because he was "too young and too jovial," unorthodox in his religious beliefs, and also a bachelor. Wiley brought with him to Washington a practical knowledge of agriculture, a sympathetic approach to the problems of agricultural industry and an untapped talent for public relations.

After assisting Congress in their earliest questions regarding the safety of the chemical preservatives then being employed in foods, Wiley was appropriated $5,000 in 1902 to study the effects of a diet consisting in part of the various preservatives on human volunteers. These famous "poison squad" studies drew national attention to the need for a federal food and drug law.

Wiley soon became a crusader and coalition builder in support of national food and drug regulation which earned him the title of "Father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act" when it became law in 1906. Wiley authored two editions of Foods and Their Adulteration (1907 and 1911), which detailed the history, preparation and subsequent adulteration of basic foodstuffs to a broad audience. He was also a founding father of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, and left a legacy to the American pure food movement as its "crusading chemist" that was both broad and substantial.

The fact that enforcement of the federal Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was given to the Bureau of Chemistry rather than placed in the Department of Commerce or the Department of the Interior is a tribute to the scientific qualifications which the Bureau of Chemistry brought to the study of food and drug adulteration and misbranding. The first food and drug inspectors were hired to complement the work of the laboratory scientists, and an inspection program was launched which revolutionized the country's food supply within the first decade under the new federal law.

Wiley's tenure, however, was marked by controversy over the administration of the 1906 statute which he had worked so hard to secure. Concerns over preserving chemicals, which had not been specifically addressed in the law, continued to be controversial. The Secretary of Agriculture appointed a Referee Board of Consulting Scientists, headed by Ira Remsen at Johns Hopkins University to repeat Wiley's human trials of preservatives. The use of saccharin, bleached flour, caffeine, and benzoate of soda were all important issues which had to be ultimately settled by the courts in the early days under the new law.

Under Wiley's leadership, however, the Bureau of Chemistry grew significantly, both in strength and in stature after assuming responsibility for the enforcement of the 1906 Act. Between 1906 and 1912, Wiley's staff expanded from 110 to 146 and in 1910 the Bureau moved into its own building. Appropriations, which had been $155,000 in 1906 were $963,780 in 1912.

Work at Good Housekeeping

In 1912, Wiley resigned and took over the laboratories of Good Housekeeping magazine, where he continued his work on behalf of the consuming public. His disapprobation of "drugged" products included as the caffeine in cola drinks, against which he warned as vehemently as he would have against the cocaine they had once contained. In a famous action brought against the Coca-Cola company in 1911, he contended that it was illegal to use the name Coca-Cola when there was no actual cocaine in the drink, and also that it was illegal for it to contain caffeine as an additive. Perversely, this was as much as to say that the product ought to have contained cocaine and not caffeine. Still, the case was a landmark in developing standards for truth in labelling.

He remained with Good Housekeeping for 18 years.

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