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2007/07/07 03:35:08瀏覽647|回應0|推薦7

Foxtrot Step 

The following description is based on lady's steps 

Commence backing DC 
Proceed with preparatory step starting on “3 4” of the previous measure. (RF Back)

Feather Step (SQQ)

1. LF back (ball, heel)
2. RF back (ball) 
3. LF back (ball / in CBMP)

Bounce Fallaway Weave Ending (S & QQ QQ QQ)

1. RF back (CBM - in line)
2. LF side (close position)
3. RF cross behind LF
4. LF lifting ¼ to L
5. RF fwd (CBMP)
6. LF fwd
7. RF fwd ¼ to L
8. LF back

Reverse Wave (SQQ   SQQ)

1. RF back
2. LF pull back /heel turn
3. RF fwd / slightly fwd
4. LF fwd / heel, toe – lady head to R
5. RF fwd / heel, toe
6. LF fwd – small step

Back Feather ( S QQ)

1. RF fwd
2. LF fwd
3. RF fwd (CBMP)

Wave ( S QQ)

1. LF fwd
2. RF fwd
3. LF fwd

Chasse Roll ( S Q&Q)

1. RF fwd (in line)
2. LF side ¼ to R
3. RF cross LF
4. LF back 1/8 R (pivot)

Impetus Turn ( S Q Q )
1. RF  fwd
2. LF  ¼ side to R
3. RF slightly fwd, 1/8 to R (close then PP)


Curved Feather  ( S QQ)

Back Feather ( S QQ)

Feather Finish ( S QQ)

Natural Weave ( SQQ QQQQ)

Change of Direction ( S S S )


( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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