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2013/10/15 16:13:44瀏覽185|回應0|推薦1 | |
Dear Valued Partners, 現在我們已經可以將一些原本從國外進口到中國的高關稅產品,從台灣轉運過去中國,可以繳付較低的關稅&增值稅。 大陸清關是不提供報單的,也沒有發票。 我們可以操作所有的進口轉運貨(農產品除外),有沒有品牌都沒關係。 廈門清關完畢後,會一整車(不會分批送)過去指定地點,想要送哪裡都可以。 世界各國的貨都可以,台灣轉運 + 小三通時間 = 大約 10~12 天 案例:之前我們幫客人出過一台德國機器,從台灣轉運至大陸, 比正式報關進口至大陸節省費用為 RMB43800 案例:客人從美國進口整個櫃子舊的 EPSON 印表機, 如果從香港進去清關很困難,費用也很高, 我們從台灣轉運至大陸節省費用為 RMB41600,同時節省很多在香港等 待快遞進去大陸的時間。 如有任何問題, 歡迎隨時與我連絡, For the high tariff products import from foreign countries to CHINA, or used electronic product, or used machinery, we can transfer from Taiwan over China, can pay lower tariff & value-added tax .
Even importer doesn’t has import license, also we can transfer to CHINA and to do Customs clearance for them,
We can operate all import and transport the goods (except agricultural products), there are brands or not it all does not matter. Transit time (from Kaohsjung port to CHINA any city) = around 10~12 days
Case 1: We help client to ship a German machine, transport from Taiwan to China, Declare it at the Customs and import to Shanghai to save the expenses as RMB43800 than ship fm Germany to China directly,
Case 2: The client import the 40’GP to ShenZhen, product is used EPSON printer from U.S.A., The goods is very difficult to enter China, almost transfer via Hong Kong, the expenses are very high and transit time over 3~4 weeks, We transfer via Taiwan to China and save the expenses as RMB41600, also saves a lot of time to wait in Hong Kong,
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me, ===========聯絡方式===========
新吉成台中:台中市西屯區環中路二段668號 TEL:04-27083737
新吉成台北:台北市泰山區楓江路86巷2-3號 TEL:02-22972684
新吉成桃園:桃園縣八德市廣福路658號 TEL:03-3714488
新吉成高雄:高雄縣燕巢鄉安招路1001-8號 TEL:07-6166020
新吉成平潭:福建平潭綜合實驗區嵐城鄉榕湖小區133號3樓 TEL:0591-86160899
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