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2020 Crater Lake, Colorado, hiking 2
2020/07/12 22:03:14瀏覽101|回應0|推薦1

I hiked Crater lake again this week. More people hiked this Saturday than last Saturday. Last Saturday was 4th of July. It turned cloudy in the afternoon. It looked like going to rain last Saturday, but it did not. It is not that easy to get rain summer time in Colorado. It is not cold by the lake this time. It is the first time that I saw 2 guys swim in the lake.

昨天再爬 Crater Lake天氣很好,爬山的人比上周多。每次爬到湖邊,都有些涼意,今天不會,第一次看到有兩個男生在湖裏游泳,這湖水很冰的。


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