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老芋仔教授- Denver biking and recent tax infomation.
2020/05/12 22:57:01瀏覽592|回應0|推薦0

In my last blog and Youtube, I said most of the taxpayers should have received stimulus payment except those who live overseas without direct deposit. This past week, I have 3 clients who live in Taiwan reported that they have received paper checks in the mail. So, every taxpaper should have received it. 

上週我有客戶住台灣,沒有銀行直接存的,已經收到 IRS 寄到台灣的振興經濟支票,如何兌現這支票?要注意什麼?我Youtube影片中有說明


South Platte 河中見到罕見的白鵝,嘴巴很大,應該是 Pelican .

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