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老芋仔教授 May 2020 biking through Denver South Platte trai
2020/05/05 22:07:18瀏覽279|回應0|推薦0

Most direct deposit taxpayers have received Economic Impact Payment of $1200 in their bank account. Those who do not have bank routing and account numbers in their tax returns will get the check in the mail. So far only those taxpayers who live in the U.S. received the check. I have not heard people who live overseas received it in the mail yet.  I know some taxpayers who do not have the Green Cards received check. So, it is not necessary you have to have the Green Card to get the check. 

報稅時有填銀行帳號者,多半已收到1200  元的經濟振興支票。




這周末再從 Clear Creek trail 騎到丹佛,繞了一圈回來,騎了4個多小時。

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