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老芋仔教授 - Corona virus, PPE and accounting
2020/04/18 21:18:01瀏覽519|回應0|推薦0

Dever snowed the day before. I took a walk outside yesterday. I will be biking today. This is a walk in my neighborhood. I talked about Corona virus, PPE, Accounting, realization, recognition, revenue, expense.

For those taxpayers who live overseas, you should still be able to get a $1200 stimus check, because this is pandemic. I cannot guaranteed that you will get it though. So far, I know many people live in the U.S. with bank information in their tax return have got it. For those of you who do not have bank routing and account numbers, you will have to wait for a check in the mail. 

雪後出去散步。美國振興經濟紅包,住海外的納稅人應該也會收到,因為這是全球疫情Pandemic. 目前為止,住美國且有銀行直接匯款者,多已收到。 沒銀行直接匯款者,IRS會寄支票給你,但必須要慢慢等。


Snowed all day on 4/16.  Take a walk outside on 4/17/2020. 

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