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■材質:35%棉 65%聚酯纖維
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L 適穿胸圍 35吋-39吋 適穿腰圍 27吋-31吋
XL 適穿胸圍 39吋-43吋 適穿腰圍 31吋-35吋




  • 品號:3919926

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Emporio Armani 滿版LOGO全牛革小型斜背包-黑

Emporio Armani 滿版字母繡紋掀蓋斜背扁包-黑



《2015三亞會獎旅遊指南》封面南山文化旅遊區帶您領略108米海上觀音的震撼、蜈支洲島度假區為您呈現最美的沙灘與最藍的海水、檳榔谷黎苗風情旅遊區帶您感受最獨特的黎苗風情文化;郵輪出境、遊艇出海、水上飛機與低空直升機觀光帶給您新的視覺和感官沖擊;千古情景區內一年四季活動不斷,是三亞夜遊的首選之地。You can feel the 108m-high Guanyin statuein the sea in Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone, the most beautiful beach andclearest seawater in Wuzhizhou Island Resort as well as the special Li and Miaoethnic culture in Binglanggu Li and Miao Ethnic Tourism Zone. The overseascruise trip, yacht tour, seaplane and low level helicopter sightseeing willbring new visual and sensual experience for you. The historic scene sight zoneproves to be a first choice for a night tour as there are activities every daythere.鹿回頭風景區LuhuitouScenic Area鹿回頭風景區坐落在三亞西南端鹿回頭半島內,1989年建成開放,共有大小五座山峰,最高海拔 181米。公園三面環海,一面毗鄰三亞市區,是登高望海和觀看日出日落的制高點,也是俯瞰三亞市全景的唯一佳處,鹿回頭以情愛文化和生態為主,1994年,鹿回頭被評為國傢級風景名勝區。 鹿回頭 雕塑高15米,長10米,寬5米,是海南島內最高的雕塑;在2009年榮獲國傢住房和城鄉建設部與文化部聯合頒發的“新中國城市雕塑建設成就獎”。如今,鹿回頭已定位為情愛文化和生態展示並重的主題公園,這裡還是三亞市區森林植被自然保護區的核心地帶,屬常綠熱帶季雨林生態類型,植物種類豐富,有許多國傢級和海南省特有物種。Luhuitou (meaning,‘a deer looking over itsshoulder’) Scenic Area is located in the south-west side of Sanya City. Thepark is neighboring to Sanya city and surrounded by the sea on three sides. Locatedon the mountain peak, Luihuitou Scenic Area offers a great view of the sea,sunrise and sunset. It is also the unique location that overlooks the full viewof Sanya city. Luhuitou Scenic Area is the theme park of the love culture andecology. In 1994, Luhuitou Scenic Area was approved as a national scenic spot.The sculpture of Luhuitou is 15meters high, 10 meters long and 5 meters wide, which makes it the highestsculpture on Hainan Island. It won the New China City SculptureConstruction Achievement Award in 2009, issued by the Ministry of Housingand Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Culture, and it became therepresentative statue of Sanya city.Nowadays, Luhuitou is entitled a theme parkthat displays love culture encompassed in an ecological layout. It is also thecentral area of a protected forest vegetation reserve in Sanya city with anabundance of plants, both national and provincial endemic species.地址Add:海南省三亞市鹿嶺路鹿回頭公園Luhuitou Park, Luling Road, Sanya, Hainan電話Tel:+86(0)898 8821 0688傳真Fax:+86(0)898 8821 3968呀諾達雨林文化旅遊區HainanYanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone呀諾達雨林文化旅遊區位於三亞市郊35公裡處,是中國唯一地處北緯18度的熱帶雨林,是海南島五大熱帶雨林精品的濃縮,堪稱中國鉆石級雨林景區。“呀諾達”,是形聲詞,在海南本土方言中表示一、二、三。景區賦予它新的內涵,“呀”表示創新,“諾”表示承諾,“達”表示踐行,同時“呀諾達”又被意為歡迎、你好,表示友好和祝福。呀諾達雨林文化旅遊區整體規劃面積45平方公裡,周邊是123平方公裡的生態恢復保護區,計劃投資39億元人民幣,組織實施呀諾達雨林、藥師峽谷、生肖廣場、啪魯迪野外拓訓、呀呀呀熱帶果鄉、達達瑟黎苗博覽以及酒店、度假村等項目。目前對外開放的“呀諾達雨林”已投資2億元人民幣,建成雨林谷和夢幻谷兩個景觀區域,以美國電瓶車、生態棧道、飛瀑索道、高品質旅遊巴士環繞成18公裡長的園區通道。熱帶雨林谷遮天蔽日,流泉疊瀑傾瀉而下,年平均溫度24度,踱步雨林中,你能感受陣陣清新涼意。在這裡,你能卸下最繁雜的紛擾,穿越雨林棧道,呼吸最清新的空氣,暢享休閑的快樂時光。在這裡,百年古藤、千年古蕨、巨大的仙草靈芝、“冷血殺手”見血封喉以及熱帶雨林的六大奇觀等,更是讓你驚嘆不已……Yanoda Rain Forest Cultural Tourism Zonelies in the suburb of Sanya City, 35km away from the downtown of Sanya City. Itis the only tropical rainforest located at 18N in China. The Tourism Zone isthe concentration of five tropical rainforest arts and is considered as adiamond class of rain forest attraction.Yanoda is a phonogram, indicating one, twoand three in the Hainanese dialect. Ya means innovation, No represents promisesand Da refers to practice. Yanoda shows friendship and blessing with anothermeaning of welcome and hello.The district has a total planning area of45sqkm encircled by an ecological resumption, reserve of 123sqkm, and will havea total investment of RMB 3.9 billion as a whole. Spots and attractions will beset up in the zone such as Yanoda Rainforest, Medicine Buddha Valley, ChineseZodiac Square, Pa-Lu-Di Camping Training, Ya-Ya-Ya Tropical Fruits Garden,Da-Da-Se Museum of Li Miao Nationalities, Hotels, Spa and Resorts, etc.The tourism zone has been invested in 200 million RMB already, which comprisestwo zones, the Rainforest Valley and the Fantasy Valley. Both areinter-connected by American electric trolley, cliff road, waterfall rope bridgeand high-class shuttle bus, covering a total length of 18km.The trees are arching over the valley,water falls pour down and streams flow. With the average temperature of 24degree, walking in the rainforest, crossing the plank road built along cliff,you can enjoy coolness, breathing fresh air, get into the real leisure time farfrom the madding crowd. You will be marveled at the amazing sceneries likeold-aged rattan, thousand years fern, huge magic fungus, upas and other wondersof tropical rainforest.地址Add:海南省保亭黎族苗族自治縣三道農場Sandao farm ,Li and Miao AutonomousCounty,Baoting , Hainan電話Tel:+86(0)898 8388 3333 83881101傳真:+86(0)898 83881129官方網站Web:www.yanoda.com蜈支洲島WuzhizhouIsland煙波浩渺的南海之上,美麗富饒的瓊島之畔鑲嵌著一座氣候宜人、植被豐富、自然風光獨特而迷人的瑰麗小島——蜈支洲。國傢AAAA級旅遊景區蜈支洲島又名情人島,自2001年綻放以來以其全國唯一的清澈海水、豐富多元的海底魚類、樂趣橫生的娛樂項目以及別具美麗的海島酒店贏得瞭國內外遊客的青睞與贊譽。這裡海岸線蜿蜒綿長,零污染的海水清澈見底,最高能見度達27米,神奇的海底世界五彩斑斕,形態各異的珊瑚與馬鮫魚、石斑魚、海膽、海參、對蝦、夜光螺及五顏六色的熱帶魚一起構成瞭堪稱中國第一的潛水勝地!這裡海上娛樂項目完善,探索者可以潛入海中體驗與熱帶魚一同沖浪的神奇感受,冒險者可以騎上摩托艇在美麗的海域裡乘風破浪,亦或快艇環島、沙灘排球、快艇海釣、香蕉船等海上項目,皆能讓您深度的感受海洋的樂趣與魅力,為旅行留下無與倫比的歡樂與激情!China has a Hainan Island, Hainan has aWuzhizhou Island -- Love and romantic at Sanya, Wuzhizhou IslandWuzhizhou Island, also named Loving Island,a resort in Hainan which is offering 4-star and above accommodations and/orfacilities, embodies something rich and unique of Hainan’s tourismresources.Wuzhizhou Island is located within Haitang Bay at the north of SanyaCity, with Monkey Island of South Bay to the north and Yalong Bay (honored asNo.1 Bay in China) to the south. It is 30 km from the downtown Sanya and 38 kmfrom Phoenix Airport of Sanya and closely adjacent to Eastern Highway, thusboasting a very convenient transportation.The surrounding waters are limpid andtransparent, with a visibility as deep as 6-27 meters. The waters are home to agreat spectrum of marine organisms such as green snail, sea cucumber, lobster,mackerel, sea urchin, butterfish and colorful tropical fishes. At the bottom ofthe waters to the south, tourists can find well-protected coral reefs. It’sknown as the best diving base in China, which is also among the rare-to-seesea-islands without mixture of reefs and cobblestones in the world. With a gazeintothe distance, tourists can enjoy a wideexpanse of mist-covered waters and the sea melted into the sky.地址Add:海南省三亞市海棠區林旺鎮蜈支洲島Wuzhizhou Island, LinWang , Haitang Bay,Sanya, Hainan電話Tel:400-114-6666傳真Fax:+86(0)898 8875 1251 8875 1010網站Web:www.wuzhizhou.com三亞千古情景區SanyaRomance Park三亞千古情景區掩映在茂密的原始森林和鮮花叢中,有三亞千古情、崖州古城、大象谷、血戰狂盜、科技遊樂館、黎村、苗寨、山上花黎、椰林灣、南海女神廣場、小吃廣場、圖騰大道、情人谷、潑水廣場、王者之城、名人山、兒童遊樂區、雲曼酒店等數十個主題區。三亞千古情景區內一年四季活動不斷,有黎族三月三、潑水節、比基尼狂歡節、沙灘音樂節、啤酒節、冰雪節等活動,深受遊客歡迎,是三亞夜遊的首選之地。Sanya Romance Park is covered in primevalforest and flowers. It has different theme areas such as the Romantic Show ofSanya, Old Town of Yazhou, Elephant Valley, Bloody Battle Zone, Tech Museum, LiVillage, Miao Village, Mountain Flower, Coconut Bay, the South China SeaGoddess Square, Snack Square, Totem Avenue, Lovers Valley, Water SprinklingSquare, the Castle of Warriors, Celebrity Mountain, Kids Playground, YunmanHotel.Sanya Romance Park holds continuous eventsall year around, such as March 3 for Li Minority, Water Sprinkling Festival,Bikini Carnival, Beach Music Festival, Oktoberfest, Ice and Snow Festival.Tourists enjoy staying here and it is the No. 1 choice for a night tour inSanya.地址Add:海南省三亞市迎賓大道333號No.333, Yingbin Road, Sanya, Hainan電話Tel:+86(0)898 8865 8333傳真Fax:+86(0)898 8866 2335網站Web:www.songcn.com西島Westisland西島又稱西玳瑁(一種大海龜)島,傳說很久以前,龍宮太子為瞭煉制長生不老藥,專傷南海漁民性命,漁民們出海打魚是兇多吉少,慈悲的觀音娘娘知道後便從天庭派來兩隻神龜鎮守南海,龍宮太子便無從作惡,漁民們從此安居樂業,衣食無憂。這兩隻神龜歷經千年,飛沙走石。於是形成瞭如今的東、西二島。西島位於中國唯一熱帶濱海旅遊城市三亞市以西8海裡海面上,從肖旗港碼頭快艇隻需10分鐘即可抵達。西島屬於熱帶海洋季風氣候,島上四季如春,陽光明媚,風景秀麗,空氣清新,海水清澈見底,沙灘柔和潔白。島上現有居民4千多人,淳樸善良,熱情好客,世代打魚為生。西島現已全面開發集旅遊、觀光、飲食、購物、度假和遊樂於一體的旅遊度假聖地。西島海域為國傢級珊瑚自然保護區,海水清澈,環島珊瑚礁千姿百態,海洋生物種類繁多。這裡生活著各種色彩斑斕的熱帶魚、貝類,西島宛如一個巨大的熱帶海洋生物圈,是世界少有的潛水基地。West island, also namely west hawksbill(sort of large turtle) Island. It is said that long ago the prince of thedragon place killed many fishers to produce longevity drug, the fishermen thusran into great danger when they went out to the sea. She was known by themerciful K wan-yin, then she sent two god turtles from the heaven to safeguardthe south China sea, the prince was controlled and the fishermen regained theirpeaceful and comfortable life . A thousand years went by, time brought greatchanges, the two guarding turtles eventually became two islands, namely eastand west.The west island is situated off 8nauticalmiles from the west coast of Sanya City, the unique tropical seaside touristcity of China. The island is within only 10 minutes reach by deluxe speed-boatfrom the xiaoqigang Jetty. The tropical marine monsoon climate helps to createa spring like ambience in all seasons on the island where boasts pleasantsunshine,lushlandscape, fresh air,high water visibility and dazzling white sandy beach.There are 4,000islanders being pristine, kind and hospitable in nature, leading their lives onfishing from generation to generation.West island has been fully developed, incorporatingtourism, sightseeing, leisure, dining, shopping and vocation to become a singleunit which makes the island an attractive tourist destination around the world.The sea zone bordering west island has beencertified as a natural coral reserve of china, under the crystal clear waterresident with blazes of color reef and varieties, which kinds of marinecreatures, such as multicolored tropical fish and seashells in great varieties, which assembly to make the island an enormous tropical marine biosphere and arare diving resort in the world .地址Add:海南省三亞市天涯鎮肖旗港碼頭XiaoQi Port, Tianya Town, Sanya, Hainan電話Tel:+86(0)898 8891 0888 傳真Fax:+86(0)898 8891 2318網站Web:www.syxidao.com海棠灣免稅購物中心CDFHaitang Bay Shopping Complex中國免稅品(集團)海棠灣免稅購物中心是集免稅購物、有稅購物、餐飲娛樂、文化展示等多功能於一身的旅遊零售高端商業綜合體。作為中國免稅商業史上匯聚國際頂級品牌最多、檔次最高的大型免稅購物主題商場,世界頂級奢侈品品牌及國際知名時尚品牌匯聚海棠灣,為遊客提供奢華時尚的購物體驗。中免集團海棠灣免稅購物中心坐落於享有國傢海岸美譽的海南省三亞海棠灣,毗鄰東線高速及東線鐵路兩大重要交通樞紐,距三亞市區僅30分鐘車程。建築整體采用世界頂尖建築設計公司打造的連續空間曲面鋼結構,如同一朵嬌艷的“海棠花”盛開在蔚藍海岸線。這朵點亮國傢海岸的海棠花,將成為三亞新的城市地標,以及海南國際旅遊島獨具特點和活力的綜合旅遊零售目的地。這座全球最大的市內免稅商業綜合體,未來也將成為全球免稅及旅遊零售行業瞭解中國市場的新窗口。Chinese duty-free Goods (Group) Haitang Bayshopping Complex has shopping with without tax, food, entertainment,cultural exhibitions and other functions all in one body that is called travelretail high-end commercial complex.It is the largest concentration ofinternational top brands, the highest grade and largest themed duty-freeshopping center, in Chinese duty-free business history. All the world top luxury brands andinternational well-known fashion brands are here in Haitang Bay. It would bringyou a luxury fashion shopping enjoyment.CDF Haitang Bay Shopping Complex is locatedin the most famous national coast Haitang bay, Sanya City, Hainan province,adjacent to the East high-speed and Eastern Railway. It’s about 30 min drivefrom the urban.The building is dedicated by topinternational teams. The appearance of the complex is a consistent spatialsteel structure, like a “begonia flower “blooming at the coast line of Haitangbay.This Begonia flower is lighting thenational coast. It will become a new landmark on the island and the Unique andvibrant tourism retail destination. This largest downtown duty free commercialcomplex will play as a new window to knowing China market in duty free areasand travel retail industry.地址Add:中國海南省三亞市海棠灣鎮海棠北路118號NO.118,North Haitang Road,Haitang BayTown,Sanya,電話Tel:400-699-6956下載完整電子版請點擊閱讀原文 不忍直視,妹子的便宜就這麼被占瞭! 我是主播 貝妮~(微信號:Voaoao)每天提供最熱門、最火爆、最精彩的視頻!口味有點兒重喔~笑死!笑死!笑死!如果覺得這些還... 飛機上你所不知道的25個真相! 現如今,飛機以舒適、方便與節省時間等原因成為出行首選的交通方式之一.可你是否知道,為何不能喝飛機上的沖泡茶飲,又為何在... 這樣霸氣的速寫,隻有他能畫的出來!~ 感知CG,感觸創意,感受藝術,感悟心靈 在CG世界的一期中我們展示瞭 Vince Low的一部分作品,今天再次翻看CG網站時發現他的...

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