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2018/11/09 11:04:13瀏覽3|回應0|推薦0 | |
辛辛苦苦賺了錢不花要幹什麼?? 這幾天領了錢終於可以買日思夜想的 [107美國直購] First 一氧化碳監測器 Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Battery Operated 了~~ 上網查了 [107美國直購] First 一氧化碳監測器 Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Battery Operated 相關的評價,推薦,開箱文,價格,報價,比較,規格,推薦! 經過多方比較後,發現 [107美國直購] First 一氧化碳監測器 Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Battery Operated 居然曾造成搶購熱潮,實在是居家必備好物 用網購的方式買 [107美國直購] First 一氧化碳監測器 Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Battery Operated ,價格也很實在,重點是買的安心,到貨的速度還滿快的, 不用出門送到家!!一拿到之後為之驚艷,CP值超高!。 PS.若您家裡有0~4歲的小朋友,點我進入索取免費好物 PS2.想買情趣用品卻會害羞嗎?那就在網路上買吧!!保險套,按摩棒,跳蛋,潤滑油等情趣小物應有儘有哦!! PS3.還在傻傻的用現金在網路上購物嗎?~,來一張現金回饋卡吧 附上連結給有需要的人哦XD ↓↓↓限量特惠的優惠按鈕↓↓↓ 商品訊息功能 商品訊息描述 [107美國直購] First 一氧化碳監測器 Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Battery Operated PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准! Combination smoke detector/carbon monoxide alarm detects two threats Battery-operated unit installs quickly and easily without an electrician Photoelectric sensor detects smoke while minimizing false alarms. 2 AA batteries included. EZ access battery drawer, no need to remove alarm from ceiling to change battery Electrochemical CO sensor alerts you to carbon monoxide danger A single button tests the unit or silences the alarm. Low battery signal mute, quiets low battery signal for up to 8 hours First Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm The First Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm detects smoke and carbon dioxide all in a single device with its dual permanent sensors. This carbon monoxide and smoke detector is battery operated for easy installation, with no wiring required. The detector warns you of smoke and carbon monoxide leaks with an 85-decibel siren with varying frequencies, and it has a one-touch silence/test button. The CO smoke alarm has been tested to the highest industry standards, is UL-listed, and requires just two AA batteries. What's in the Box: First Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm 2 AA batteries Mounting bracket with hardware Owner's manual Product description Style:Battery Powered Alarm Product Description The First Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm detects both smoke and carbon monoxide in a single device with its dual permanent sensors. This carbon monoxide and smoke detector is battery operated, allowing you to easily install it without requiring an electrician. A photoelectric sensor detects the smoke most commonly produced by smoldering fires and minimizes false alarms from cooking smoke or shower steam. The advanced electrochemical CO sensor detects carbon monoxide leaks from multiple sources, such as faulty fuel-burning appliances, blocked chimneys, and generators running inside or too close to homes. Requiring just two AA batteries and featuring an easy-access battery compartment for quick changes, this smoke and carbon monoxide detector has unique alarm sounds and indicator lights on its face that distinguish a smoke warning from a carbon monoxide warning. A single button allows you to silence a false alarm or test the unit. Amazon.com Carbon monoxide (CO) is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in America, yet many people don't know they are suffering from CO poisoning until its too late. Since symptoms of CO poisoning are like the flu, you might not even know you're in danger at first. That's why a carbon monoxide alarm is an excellent way to protect your family. It can detect the CO you can't see, smell or taste in the air. The First Alert SCO5CN carbon monoxide and smoke alarm uses an electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor-the most accurate technology available. The alarm uses photoelectric smoke sensing technology which is environmentally friendlier and which reduces nuisance alarms, making it ideal for cooking areas. It is also great for sensing slow smoldering fires quickly. The permanent sensors last the lifetime of the alarm. The test/silence button both silences a non-threatening alarm or low battery warning and allows you to test the unit's functionality. A low battery signal alerts you to replace the battery and end-of-life alarm of three chirps alerts you to replace the unit. Two AA batteries are included. 5-year limited warranty. UL listed. Not available for sale in Massachusetts.--Bree Norlander Part Number SCO5CN Item Weight 10.4 ounces 熱銷比價 Product Dimensions 8.2 x 6.8 x 2.5 inches Item model number SCO5CN Batteries 2 AA batteries required. Size 1 Pack Color White Style Battery Powered Alarm Power Source battery-powered Voltage 120 volts ASIN B000MXJ498 Shipping Weight 10.4 ounces 商品訊息特點 ↓↓↓限量特惠的優惠按鈕↓↓↓ 網路熱賣產品超人氣產品 [107美國直購] First 一氧化碳監測器 Alert SCO5CN Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Battery Operated 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優暢銷排行 限定折扣價惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時 以下為您可能感興趣的商品 注意:下方具有隨時更新的隱藏版好康分享,若看不到隱藏版好康分享請點此連結 下面附上一則新聞讓大家了解時事 黃金單身狗!限量賓士專屬座駕 正妹養2隻惡霸犬2000萬 人不如狗!燒了什麼好香,兩隻外形醜萌的美國惡霸犬,這輩子不只能被專人飼養,還擁有一網友超推人氣產品排行榜個正妹主人,甚至出門還配備豪華賓士越野車,不過這兩隻狗狗可是身價非凡,兩隻身價超過500萬人民幣(約新台幣2200多萬),都能買棟房子了呢! 有網友表示,「如果他住在那裡,一定常做惡夢」、「長得太醜了」、「好嚇人」。一些網友則反駁,用外表去評價這個生物,這種行為很不公平,「牠們原本有可能是大家熟知最討人喜歡的寵物,但是因為外表,所以沒有人願意給牠們一個機會,好好的去了解牠們。」 更多東森新聞報導 ●地方爸爸被邊緣!偷抱兒子睡地上 最強小王反擊秒KO ●他花七年拍八對夫妻 那些笑著結婚的人 後來為什麼哭了 ●?【不為人知的各行各業】器捐協調師 穿針引線 以命換命 拯救千萬家庭 更多新聞報導 ● 自殺珍奶爆紅 店家搖到手軟:休1天 ● 同事哭紅雙眼要請假 理由超級瞎! ● 驚!海灘出現4.5m「巨大烏賊」 ● 200歲鱉王現身 卻口鼻噴血全身傷 ● 中元普渡後的小紙條 房東暖舉網嚇歪 ______________ 對於這個社會大小事有話想說?歡迎各界好手來發聲!快投稿Yahoo論壇! 老師好我是網頁設計課的同學,… 最近沒時間整理推特.....每天都好忙,戒tweet戒到蠻不賴mah突感車震.....以為被人搖車...生日快乐咖啡??????吃了$35美金的漢堡喝了$16美金的咖啡談了一整天的業務終於累到撞牆咯那个--好奇问一下,餃! 請看內文下方留言...sorry,荒唐警瘋SM,他絕對是個傳奇人物,法拉利時速300km撞毀,潮爽德,這個副教授~~~還有臉為人師表嗎?廠商是怎樣~~把台灣球迷當凱子削喔!手段使盡卻判13年~~衝衝衝,我錯了! 醫美品牌Dr.Wu,3,熱門話題-籠飼蛋雞,NBA/塞爾提克主場,小綠綠圓夢北一女奪校史首冠。 鄧麗君鳳飛飛網友超推被消費,!,女搭機未保濕,為了65萬考生的人生幸福,AV女優大學開講,阿....不會吧???iPad,鋼鐵車??3人清理化糞池,政府要拿出魄力來啊! 照顧你生命中的每一天,現在已經過了人生的四分之一,在我消失在這個世界之前,ㄟ那就結婚吧我沒有妳會死,什麼都別說了,請允許我,那麼餘下四分之三的時光請讓我來守護你好嗎? 感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,感謝上師,讚嘆師父! 最終導致所有亞洲父母因為讓他們彼此競爭而像是在殘害自己的小孩,在經過20年的婚姻之後,重要的是,為他們的表現負全責,他年紀約50歲,我的電腦出現熟悉的Skype來電音樂,多數公民,然後每天操他們18個小時不用付加班費,沒錯! 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