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2016/04/05 09:28:40瀏覽3|回應0|推薦0 | |
He is a bossy person who's always throwing his weight around. 他是一個老愛對人頤指氣使的霸道傢伙。 2.Throw one's weight around 逞威風 Promise是承諾,Deliver是履行。 Remember the principle of under promise and over deliver, never make a promise that you cannot fulfill. 謹記凡事要留有餘地,別做出自己無法履行的承諾。 和這句話相反的是Over promise and under deliver,承諾過高卻又無法實際做到。 不過度承諾,表 現超乎期待 指對人濫用自己的權威,表現跋扈或盛氣凌人。 工商時報【 本報訊】 1.Under prom ise and over deliver
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( 時事評論|環保生態 ) |