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    關於信用卡 繳 信用卡,信用卡各家優惠比較就看我以下的分享了






圖片來源/ingimage 分享 facebook (影音內容建議利用 Firefox、Google Chrome 瀏覽器,方能觀賞最佳內容) 看完了原版的格林童話,不免讓人對童話的黑暗面感到不寒而慄,渾身起雞皮疙瘩。說到和恐怖相關的形容詞,你會想到什麼呢?除了大家最熟悉的 scary 以外,英文還有許多生動的形容詞能應用在生活中呢!今天就跟著希平方一起擴充腦袋裡的字彙庫吧!.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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@media screen and (max-width: 320px){ .inline-ad{margin: 0 -10px;} } 分享 facebook creepy 詭異的、令人發毛的A:Dad, I couldn’t fall asleep last night.(爸,我昨晚睡不著。)B:What happened?(怎麼了?)A:I kept hearing creepy noises coming from my closest, but I didn’t dare to open it.(我一直聽到從衣櫥傳來的詭異聲響,但我不敢打開它。)spooky 鬼魅般的A:Let's get out of this spooky forest! I feel that we are being watched.(我們快點離開這座活像鬧鬼一樣的森林啦!我覺得我們被監視了。)B: Man, you have an overactive imagination.(老兄,你的想像力太旺盛了。)eerie 怪異的、陰森的名詞 eeriness 的意思是「怪誕」,所以形容詞 eerie 具有「怪異的、陰森的」意思。A: This place has an eerie atmosphere. (這地方有種陰森的氛圍。)B: Oh, I forget to tell you it’s haunted.(喔,我忘了跟你說這裡鬧鬼。)A: Are you serious?(你認真的嗎?)B: Nope. I’m just kidding.(沒。我開玩笑的。)frightening 嚇人的名詞 fright 的意思是「恐懼、驚嚇」,動詞 frighten 的意思則是「(使)驚嚇」,所以形容詞 frightening 的意思就是 「嚇人的」。A:I think Annabelle is the most frightening movie ever made.(我覺得《安娜貝爾》是最嚇人的電影。)B:Oh, come on! Lots of horror movies are far more terrifying than that one.(噢,拜託!一堆恐怖片比它更可怕好不好。)spine-chilling 令人背脊發涼的Spine 的意思是「脊椎」,而 chill 當動詞使用時的意思是「(使)變冷」。所以 spine-chilling 的意思就是「令人背脊發涼的」。A:Hey, do you want to hear a spine-chilling ghost story?(嘿,你想不想聽個令人背脊發涼的鬼故事?)B:No, thanks. I'm not interested in it.(不了,謝謝。我對那個沒興趣。)bloodcurdling 令人毛骨悚然的其中 blood 的意思是「血液」,而動詞 curdle 的意思是「凝固」,還能組成片語 make someone’s blood curdle,就是「使某人毛骨悚然」的意思。A:Last week, when my brother was on the graveyard shift at work, he heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from the parking lot. However, he found no one was there.(上周我哥在值大夜班的時候,他聽到從停車場傳來的可怕尖叫聲。然而,他發現那裡卻完全沒半個人。)B:He was brave. If I were him, I would have run away immediately!(他好勇敢。如果我是他的話,我一定馬上落跑!)學會這些生動的形容詞之後,不僅在寫作上加分,也能跟外國朋友活靈活現地描述鬼故事情節,再也不用擔心詞窮囉!【更多精采內容,詳見《希平方》】
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