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2012年4月4日訊息 【銀河法典】 The Galactic Codex https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/04/04/galactic-codex/ - -- -- --- --- -- 2024年11月19日過去之後冥王星會在水瓶座裡待上20年, 當冥王星正式進入水瓶座之後會帶來地球解放能量, 會看到更多的新科技,促成第一次接觸讓地球加入銀河社會。 After November 19th, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for 20 years. Once Pluto fully enters Aquarius, it will bring liberation energy to Earth. We are going to witness more new technologies and the First Contact, which allows the Earth to join the galactic community. ---- 解放地球計劃 LIBERATION OF PLANET EARTH PLAN Plan 2012 LIBERATION OF PLANET EARTH https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2012/04/plan-2012-normal-0-microsoftinternetexp.html 2012年4月2日訊息【2012計劃:解放地球】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/04/02/2012/ - Phase 1: The Event (3-7 days) 第一階段:啟動事件(3-7天的工作時間) Mass arrests of the Illuminati 大規模逮捕光明會成員 →Military sweep →軍事掃蕩黑暗勢力 →1 day viral and mass media info distribution →為時一天的大眾媒體廣播 →1 day arrests →為時一天的逮捕行動 →Up to 3 days shutdown →最多為時三天的股市關閉 →5 to 6 days conviction process →為時五至六天的審判過程 ----- Phase 2: Restructuring (3-6 months) 第二階段:重建期(為期3-6個月) New financial system backed by precious metals and commodities introduced 貴金屬和大宗商品支撐的新金融系統開始上線 →Federal Reserve dismantled, US Treasury prints gold backed money →解散美聯儲,由美國財政部發行金本位貨幣 →Basket of currencies (6 or more) base of world financial system →一個籃子裡有六種以上貨幣的世界金融體系 →Worldwide debt forgiveness →世界範圍的債務免除 →Bank debts cancelled (credit cards, loans, mortgages) →廢除銀行債務(信用卡,借款,抵押貸款) →Banks must be re-licensed, no interest (usury) →銀行必須重新申請營業登記,此後放款不得收取利息(高利貸) →Multinational companies split and nationalized →跨國公司分拆並國有化 Redistribution of world’s wealth begins 開始重新分配世界財富 →Prosperity funds released →發放繁榮基金 →Humanitarian and environmental projects funded →金援人道主義和環保專案 Free energy technology and advanced medicines released 公開自由能源科技和先進藥物 Government UFO involvement disclosure 公開政府參與的幽浮科技專案 International criminal court tribunal of Illuminati 國際刑事法院開庭審判光明會成員 Statutory laws invalidated, return to Common Law 特別法條無效,恢復成普通法 Interim national governments and then elections 組建臨時政府,未來舉行大選 UN restructured as head of Provisional government 聯合國進行改組,成為地球臨時政府的決策機構 Disengagement of warring parties, military forces recalled permanently from active duty and restructured into peace keeping force, nuclear weaponry disarmed 交戰中的各方勢力停火。永久召回任務中的軍隊, 並重組成維和部隊。撤除全世界的核武設施 -------- Phase 3: First Contact (1-3 months) 第三階段:第一次接觸(為期1-3個月) →Contact with selected private individuals →開始聯繫選定的民間人士 →Re-education of humanity, including our history not told: Atlantis and Lemuria →全人類重新接受教育,包括那些被隱瞞的歷史:亞特蘭提斯和列穆尼亞 →Global telecasts over TV and internet →電視和網路的全球廣播 →Increasing number of spacecraft make themselves known, culminating in a massive flyover when tens of thousands of ships will take part as final proof that other civilizations are out there →越來越多的飛船公開現身,最後成千上萬的飛船將結隊飛過天際; 證明地外文明的存在。 →Two week contemplation period →為期兩周的觀察期 →First contact: Public contact at UN – Electric surge into Earth Light body -Galactic / Cosmic synchronization / Tachyonic alignment →第一次接觸:聯合國進行公開接觸。 銀河中央太陽的能量脈衝進入地球的光體。 地球的光體開始與銀河/宇宙光體同步;地球進入超光速粒子時代。 - After First Contact 第一次接觸之後 →Interaction with Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters →與銀河聯盟和揚升大師互動交流 →Start of technology transfers and educational programs →開始新技術轉移和新教育計劃 →Beginning of pollution cleansing and renewal of ecosystem →開始清理污染和修復生態系統 →Start of full consciousness training (Ascension chambers) →開始全意識訓練(利用揚升艙) →Reunion with Confederation Fleet and Inner Earth →與銀河聯盟艦隊和地心世界團聚 -------------------------- 2012年4月28日訊息 【新金融系統】 The restructuring of the financial system worldwide https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/04/28/2012-4-28/ --- 2013年9月29日訊息【地球近況更新 新金融系統】 Sunday, September 29, 2013 Planetary Situation Update: The New Financial System https://www.golden-ages.org/2013/09/29/planetary-situation-update-the-new-financial-system/ -- 【事件】- 全球和平繁榮計劃 https://www.golden-ages.org/2014/04/12/the-event/ ----- ---- After the Event, and especially after the first contact, the positive extraterrestrial races will use their technology not only to remove excessive radiation from Fukushima, but to actually restore ecological balance throughout the planet. One of the top priorities will be to remove radiation and various poisonous substances from many nuclear power plants in other locations around the planet, not only Fukushima but also Chernobyl and other locations. They will then continue with restoring the ecosystem of the planet and it will be quite a fast operation in human standards. After the First Contact, in a few months, the situation on the planet will be much, much better. They have advanced technology. Of course, they have complete control over matter so they can actually disintegrate all harmful substances in a matter of seconds. It is not a problem for them. It is just a matter of humanity having the right consciousness and understanding to accept and receive that technology. That is why the Event needs to happen first, the removal the Cabal needs to happen first, so the Light Forces can then use the mass media to educate the human population, so when these things do happen the human population will have an understanding and also an active participation in that purification process. - “事件”之後尤其是第一次接觸之後, 正面的外星種族將用他們的科技 不止移除福島的過量輻射,也會恢復整個星球的生態平衡。 其中最為優先的是清理來自星球上其他核電站的輻射和污染物。 不只是福島還有車諾比爾和其他地方, 然後他們會重建星球的生態系統 以人類的標準這是一個很快的行動。 第一次接觸幾個月之後星球上的狀況會更加、更加好。 他們有先進科技。當然他們完全掌握了控制物質的技術, 所以他們實際上可以在幾秒內分解所有有害物質, 這對他們來說不是問題。問題在於人類要有正確的意識和理解, 來接受和獲得那種技術。這就是為何”事件”需要首先發生, 需要首先把陰謀集團移除,以便光的勢力可以用大眾傳媒教育公眾 當這些確實發生後,人類將會有一個理解,也會積極參加這個淨化過程 - 2013年11月16日 柯博拉與伊莉莎白新訪談 ------ Note: This is a very important reminder ! Pluto enters Aquarius on November 20, 2024 The forces of light are scheduled to arrive within 20 years of Pluto entering Aquarius. Run through the entire process of events, first contact, collective ascension and evacuation. 注意 這是很重要非常重要的提醒 ! 冥王星2024年11月20日進入水瓶座 光明勢力預定在冥王星進入水瓶座的20年內 跑完事件、第一次接觸、集體揚升和大撤離的全部流程。 2024年2月3日、4日鳳凰城揚升會議摘要筆記 https://www.golden-ages.org/2024/02/03/phoenix-ascension-conference/ ------- At the time of peak social unrest and with enough anomaly removed, the Light forces will upgrade the current state of emergency for the surface of the planet into martial law. 一旦社會動盪的程度達到頂峰 而且異常的清理進度也達到足以進行下一步的階段, 光明勢力會把目前地表世界的緊急狀態升級成宣佈軍事戒嚴。 - This practically means that the whole surface population will undergo a brief (3-7 days) military lockdown during which the mass arrests will be taking place. People will be instructed to strictly stay at home to ensure the safety of military operations without collateral damage. Positive forces will be using quantum pulse weapons to block the weaponry of the Negative military and to freeze the troops and civilians who will refuse to obey the orders of the Positive military. 宣佈戒嚴代表全世界的地表民眾會經歷短暫的軍事封鎖(大約3-7天) 光明勢力會在這段期間內進行大規模逮捕。 屆時會有廣播訊息宣導一般民眾嚴格禁止外出。 戒嚴封鎖一方面是為了確保軍事行動的安全, 一方面是為了避免殃及無辜民眾。 正義軍屆時會使用量子脈衝武器封鎖負面軍隊的武器 並且暫時麻痺拒絕聽從正義軍指揮的軍隊和民眾。 - While the most extreme psychopaths and sociopaths will be removed from the surface of the planet at the Event and shortly after, many latent sociopaths will remain in the society until the Galactic Superwave and keep a low profile without causing any harm, knowing that any harmful action would trigger their swift removal. 光明勢力會在事件期間和事件過一段時間後 將所有最喪心病狂的精神變態和反社會份子帶離地表世界, 許多潛在的反社會份子在銀河超級波抵達地球之前 都會繼續在地表社會低調生活,安分度日。 因為他們知道 只要他們做出危害社會的事情就會立刻從地球上消失。 It takes quite a long time to completely purge a system: 懲奸除惡,讓一個體制完全恢復清淨需要耗費相當漫長的時間 2022年2月12日訊息【揚升計劃的情報更新】 Ascension Plan Update https://www.golden-ages.org/2022/02/12/ascension-plan-update/ ---- Here you can see that the same politicians who were promoting coronavirus Great Reset are now trying to escalate the Ukrainian situation into a world war: 大家可以參考一份清單。名單上面的政治人物 先前試圖利用冠狀病毒疫情推動社會大重置。 如今他們正試圖把烏克蘭的軍事衝突升級成世界大戰: https://exploringrealhistory.blogspot.com/2021/12/part-5-global-crime-syndicatecesarini.html 2022年3月15日訊息【天火】 Ekpyrosis https://www.golden-ages.org/2022/03/15/ekpyrosis/ ------------------ The forces of light are attacking the remaining fleet of dark forces in the solar system and all negative underground bases to launch a final clearing offensive. After all the members of the dark forces were captured, There will always be two choices: Surrender or die. If they surrender, they will need to accept the Galactic Codex, Accept the Light and make amends for their past mistakes. If they are unwilling to surrender or unable to surrender, Theyll pass by the classification facility on Ganymede Then he was sent to the Galactic Central Sun for soul reorganization. 光明勢力正在對太陽系內殘存的黑暗勢力艦隊 以及所有的負面地下基地發動最後的清剿攻勢 所有的黑暗勢力成員在被俘虜之後 都會有兩種選擇 : 投降否則死路一條。 如果他們投降,他們需要接受銀河法典、 接受聖光並且彌補他們過去犯下的錯誤。 如果他們不願意投降或者沒辦法投降, 他們就會經過木衛三的分類設施 然後被送往銀河中央太陽進行靈魂重組。 2022年1月3日訊息【神聖介入冥想成果報告】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2022/01/03/divine-intervention-activation-report/ ---------- 神聖火焰將席捲遍佈整個行星地球 The sacred fire will sweep across the entire planet Earth -- Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral. This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere. Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos. The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously, to elevate his vibratory level, so as to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge him. - The Fire of which I speak, that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the matter will be refined, your hearts will be liberated from anguish, troubles, incertitude, and they will become luminous; everything will be improved, elevated; the thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed. Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance. - The earth is now following an ascending movement and everyone should force themselves to harmonize with the currents of the ascension. Those who refuse to subjugate themselves to this orientation will lose the advantage of good conditions that are offered in the future to elevate themselves. They will remain behind in evolution and must wait tens of millions of years for the coming of a new ascending wave. The earth, the solar system, the universe, all are being put in a new direction under the impulsion of Love. Love is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended upon it. In the future, all will be subjugated to Love and all will serve it. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man will be awakened. The Prophecy of Christian Mystic Beinsa Douno ------------ 這場神聖之火降臨之前, 將會有幾十年的時間, 神聖火焰將會帶來嶄新的高尚道德倫理 和徹底的改變我們的世界。 這股來自宇宙的巨大浪潮, 將席捲和遍佈整個行星地球, 那些嘗試阻擋的人們將會被移送到其他地方去。 儘管並非所有地球眾生都準備好這進化歷程, 但所有人都能感受到這股聖光, 而這轉變的聖光不僅只有轉化地球而已, 祂也將會照亮整個大千宇宙。 現在人們最能做好的事, 就是讓自己有意識地提升自己的神性與靈性和其振動頻率, 讓自己沈浸與校准對齊在這股和諧的偉大能量裡。 - 我所說的這股神聖之火, 祂將為我們的地球帶來嶄新活力的新氣象, 祂將帶來全面的淨化與療癒和重建所有的一切, 所有事物將會變得更好。 人們的心將從受困掙扎的痛苦和煩惱, 還有掙脫一切未知的不安。 人們的生活將變得一片光明。 所有一切都將變得越來越好與獲得提升, 負面的思想和低階的情緒與消極的行為都將被摧毀。 所有你所熟悉的舊事物將崩解和消失, 任何一切扭曲變異的負面都將不復存在, 整個行星地球將面臨最驚天動地的大洗禮, 再也沒有一絲一毫的負面黑暗能夠存活在新的文明裡, 那讓人類桎梏在無知枷鎖的錯誤文化將隨風消逝。 - 地球現在正開始揚升的運動, 而每個地球人應該更要求自己與揚升的能量和諧調頻, 那些拒絕臣服自己靈性方向的人, 終究將失去任何一切美好的條件與優勢, 他們將會延遲自己的進化, 直到千萬年後另一波的揚升進化潮才有新的機會。 地球、太陽系和這個宇宙都將與神聖之愛的脈動同步下航向新的方向, 而愛是一切最偉大宏偉的力量! 假使你認為金錢與權力才是你的生命基本, 但在未來,只有大愛才是所有的一切, 而飽受苦難折磨與被不斷被摧殘的人們將覺醒其珍貴意識。 基督神秘主義拜恩薩杜諾大師的預言 https://www.golden-ages.org/2022/02/17/20220217/ ----------- 2022年5月26日訊息【啟示錄】 The Apocalypse https://www.golden-ages.org/2022/05/26/the-apocalypse/ The polar shift triggers a global tsunami wave which washes over the planetary surface and purifies it. This tsunami wave is a necessary part of the primary anomaly purification process, and only individuals strongly connected with inner Light within Islands of Light, except for an occasional prepper, will be able to survive it on the surface of the planet. The rest of the human population will be evacuated from the surface and will then be able to start a new cycle afresh, in full alignment with the Light. The Resistance Movement will eliminate the core members of these Cabal before the pole shift occurs. 極移會在全世界引發海嘯。 海嘯將會洗刷並且淨化地表世界。 這波大海嘯是淨化主要異常的必經過程。 屆時只有極少數的末世準備者以及生活在光之島 並且與內在聖光有著深刻連結的人才能在地表世界倖存。 其他的人類將會從地表世界撤離 然後展開完全符合聖光的新生活。 抵抗運動會在極移發生之前 肅清這些陰謀集團的核心成員。 ---- 2023年4月8日台北揚升會議 2023 Taipei Ascension Conference IGAG Official Note Day 1 April 8th When a physical polar shift happens, it will cause a mass extinction of Earth species. As the Earth’s rotation axis suddenly changes, there will be a very strong centrifugal force , which will cause a huge tsunami. This tsunami is the natural purification process. It will wash the Earth and bring back balance. Such a tsunami has happened many times in human history and many times in the Atlantis era. Many aboriginal legends have the record about the Great Flood. The Great Flood is a partial memory of the past Galactic Superwave In fact, we are not alone in this process. The galactic forces of light will evacuate all beings who want to leave to their motherships before polar shift. Noah Ark in the Bible actually is actually the story that light forces evacuated humanity and animals from the surface to their motherships. Many indigenous peoples have their own versions of the Noah Ark story. 銀河超級波會影響太陽和地球進而造成磁極反轉, 地球磁場變弱後,若到一定程度地表磁極就會開始反轉。 當地球磁極翻轉,自轉軸突然會產生非常大的離心力。 這會導致成巨大的海嘯,這個巨大的海嘯會沖刷地表世界。 這是自然的淨化過程,讓地球回歸平衡。 人類歷史上發生過許多次大海嘯。 亞特蘭提斯時代就發生過很多次。 許多原住民有關於大洪水的傳說。 關於大洪水的傳說都是過去銀河超級波跟大洪水的記憶。 其實我們在這個過程中不孤單, 銀河系的光明勢力會在反轉之前 就會把想要撤離的眾生都撤離到星際母船裡面。 大撤離在過去發生過很多次了。 聖經裡的諾亞方舟故事就是光明勢力把地表的生命 跟動物傳送到星際母船的故事。 許多原住民都流傳著這些諾亞方舟的傳說 ---- 注意 ! 地球人只有15分鐘 ! Attention! Earthlings only have 15 minutes ! https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180779444?f_UA=pc Ashtar Command ships will be deployed during the evacuation Use the suspended light beam to bring everyone onto the spaceship as quickly as possible Please stay calm and don’t hesitate When the informed light workers evacuated early, The evacuation time for people on the surface is only 15 minutes at most. Please take care of yourself and dont worry about others. 阿斯塔指揮部的船艦會在大撤離期間 用懸浮光柱盡快將所有人帶上飛船。 請大家屆時保持冷靜,也不要猶豫。 當知情的光工們提前撤離之後, 留下地表民眾的撤離時間最多只有15分鐘。 請大家屆時照顧好自己,不用去擔心其他人。 ------- 啟示錄 - 最後大審判 https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180682298?f_UA=pc Q:假如有人知道自己是一個品行不佳的壞人。 就算他沒有到陰謀集團那樣的壞,如果他願意撤離 請問光明勢力還是會疏散這種壞心腸的人嗎? A:他們會被帶到一個專門為惡棍準備的星球。 他們過去之後就再也不能回到地球了。 目前全球總人口已達80億, 其中有2000名黑色貴族與耶穌會成員、 5萬名龍人化身、 240萬名光明會成員、 約1億名精神變態、 約4億名反社會人格份子, 在過去他們如同黑洞般吞噬著 其他所有地表民眾的生活資源與生命力 柯博拉曾提到,在大撤離發生時, 這些人無法滿足進化的最低門檻, 因此會被送入銀河中央太陽進行重組 有些人將被帶到銀河中央太陽重組, 有些人犯了罪不可赦的罪行將被帶走, 他們的靈魂必須重組, 重新開始他們的生命進化過程, 他們必須從元素、植物、動物, 重新進化很長時間變成人類。 Q:如果將來真的要把5億人送去銀河中央太陽重組 這種作法等同是大規模的種族清洗。 光明勢力為何要提出這麼激進的作法? A:這是因為上天已經決定邪惡和黑暗必須消失。 所有選擇邪惡和黑暗的人類也必須跟著消失。 將來的宇宙沒有邪惡和黑暗的容身之地。 大家真的已經受夠了。 將來大家都會有機會選擇是否要接納聖光 所有希望接納聖光的人 當然都不會被送去銀河中央太陽 如果有人故意要為非作歹而且死性不改 他們就會被送去分解。 好幾名知情人士表示: 許多的陰謀集團成員將來得接受類似紐倫堡大審的軍事審判 他們要為自己犯下的反人類罪公開出庭受審。 這場審判的死刑宣告人數大約會落在500-5000人。 陰謀集團當中的重大罪犯會被公開處決。 刑場的地點主要位於美國、captive nation、日本 還有一個絕對不能公開的地方。 當這些死刑犯伏法之後, 光明勢力會在乙太層集體收押他們的靈魂 並且把他們帶去位於木衛三 分類設施的銀河法庭接受第二次審判, 然後再送去銀河中央太陽處理。 許多罪行稍輕的陰謀集團罪犯會被逮捕, 然後送往軍事法庭速審速決。 抵抗運動會把這些人押送到木衛三的分類中心進行分類 如果他們當中有人沒辦法或者不願意改邪歸正, 就會被送往銀河中央太陽進行靈魂重組。 其餘的人會被送往分散在銀河系各地的矯正機構。 他們會在機構裡面”洗心革面,將功贖罪”。 大約會有50萬名陰謀集團的中階人物會在事件期間被逮捕 這些人先前助紂為虐,推動陰謀集團的負面計劃。 例如貪汙腐敗的市長、律師、政客、銀行家、 醫院主管、醫生、記者甚至是自稱是”光工”的神棍。 他們在事件之後會依法進監獄服刑。 ----- ----------- 阿斯塔指揮部 Ashtar Command https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/10/09/ashtar-2/ 銀河聯盟 Galactic Confederation https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/10/07/galactic-confederation-2/ 銀河中央種族 The Cosmic Central race https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/10/06/wingmakers/ 光明勢力概述 The Light forces https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/10/03/overview-of-bright-forces/ 木星指揮部 Jupiter Command https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/10/jupiter-command/ 阿斯塔指揮部:對地球負面勢力的最後通牒 Ashtar Command final transmission to Earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hZb8toLpr4&t=16s 我的預知夢境 My precognitive dream 台灣是全球最大地下基地 Taiwan is the world’s largest underground base https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180632537?f_UA=pc- 與銀河聯盟的第一次接觸計劃 https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/04/12/alien-contact/ 2018年3月18日訊息【星際交流計劃】(補充更新) Interstellar Exchange Program https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/03/18/contact-3/ 臺灣將引領地球的轉變 Taiwan will lead the transformation of the planet https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/181384224?f_UA=pc 人類進入水瓶座時代將迎來巨大的轉變 Humanity will usher in huge changes as it enters the Age of Aquarius https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/181347217?f_UA=pc 人類的終局命運 Humanitys final destiny https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180836265?f_UA=pc 啟示錄 - 最後大審判 Revelation - The Last Judgment https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180682298?f_UA=pc 地球磁極翻轉 Earths magnetic pole flips https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180676700?f_UA=pc 我的靈魂可能經歷過亞特蘭蒂斯時期 My soul may have been experience Atlantis https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180815466?f_UA=pc ---------- ------ 我也很想去報名不知道可不可以? 2018年5月9日訊息 【加入抵抗運動的招募規則】 Entry protocols into the Resistance https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/05/09/entry-protocols/ ------------- The Great Forgetting of 1996 這段集體失憶的歷史就叫做失落的1996年 ----------- Pharmas "License to Kill" 製藥公司的“殺人許可證” https://www.sott.net/article/496431-Pharmas-License-to-Kill ---------- Astronomy Picture of the Day Pleiades: The Seven Sisters Star Cluster 每日天文圖片 昴宿星團:七姊妹星團 https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html ------------ |
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