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2008/04/29 20:48:25瀏覽717|回應2|推薦33 | |
心裡糊塗In the heart is muddled
看著妳模糊Looked you is fuzzy 雲朵在天空裡The clouds hover in the sky 不清不楚muddled 是我走的好急I walk too anxiously? 還是雲兒急著趕路Hurries along cloud? 情書love letter 文字流動的感情Fills sentimental the writing 似水浸濕的筆跡Is soaked by the tears 猜心Suspects you 解不開的謎題Does not have the answer the riddle topic 無法盡訴的衷曲Said does not export love 嘆氣Sigh 撫臉Caresses the face 摸摸鼻子Bumps touches the nose 啊!Eh 糊塗的眼睛The eye was silly 忘了眼鏡Has not worn the eyeglasses 糊塗的心The lake spreads! 愛情戴著眼鏡Penetrates the eyeglasses the love 依然霧裡風景In fog scenery ken Hsu 2008 , 4 , 29 |
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