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What else do I need to consider?
2013/01/27 21:16:25瀏覽67|回應0|推薦1

What else do I need to consider?

Most employees will pay tax through the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, which means money is deducted from your pay by your employer.


In addition to tax, every worker between 16 and retirement age must pay national insurance (NI) contributions that will again be automatically deducted from your pay. Applying for an NI number can be a lengthy process, requiring an interview with identification such as passport, proof of address, a letter confirming you have work and, if available, pay slips. You will be given an account number, which is to be used when dealing with HM Revenue & Customs.


Getting a bank account in the UK can be an arduous task if you have just arrived here. Try to get your current bank to set up an account with an affiliated bank in the UK, as this is much easier. Banks require proof of address and a referral letter from your home bank or British employer. You may have to be resident in the country for six months or more before you can apply for a credit card or overdraft.


Good quality housing is not in shortage in the UK, but it can come at a price. The best way to start is to run an Internet search on one of the many property websites to assess the typical price for the area in which you're looking. A short-term flat share is probably the best option until you're settled.


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