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Chicken with balsamic vinegar and shallots
2013/01/18 08:17:27瀏覽67|回應0|推薦1

Preparation time: 20mins
Cooking time: 50mins

 Ingredients for 4 people:

- 1 free range chicken, about 1kg 600gr
- 18 shallots
- 5 tbsp of balsamic vinegar
- 4 tbsp of olive oil
- 1/2 chicken stock cube
- 3 sprigs of thyme
- 2 bay leaves
- Salt and pepper


1. Cut up the chicken and season with salt.
2. Peel the shallots.
3. Brown them for 3 mins in a casserole dish over a medium heat in half the olive oil. Remove from the heat and keep for later.
4. Put the casserole dish back on the heat without rinsing it. Add the remainder of the olive oil and brown the chicken pieces for 5mins.
5. Season with pepper and add 10dl of water, the vinegar, the crumbled stock cube, the thyme and the bay leaves.
6. Mix together, lower the heat and leave to simmer with the lid on for 10mins.
7. Add the shallots, coating them with the gravy.
8. Cover and continue to cook for 30mins.

( 休閒生活美食 )
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